TopCoder problem "Networking" used in TCI '01 Finals (Division I Level Three)

Problem Statement


A network consists of a system of numNodes nodes, numbered from 0 to
numNodes-1, and connections between those nodes.  A connection has a chance of
being up and a chance of being down. Implement a class Networking that contains
a method getProbability which calculates the chance that there will be a path
from node 0 to node numNodes-1 such that each connection in the path is up.
(See the examples to see how probabilities can be calculated)

Class Name: Networking
Method Name: getProbability
Parameters: int, String[]
Returns: double
Method signature (be sure your method is public):  double getProbability(int
numNodes, String[] connections);

numNodes is an int representing the number of nodes.
connections is a String[] representing the connections.  The elements will be
of the form "N1 N2 P" where N1 and N2 represent the numbers of the two nodes
the connection connects, and P is the probability the connection will be up.
There will be precisely one space between N1 and N2 and one space between N2
and P.  The nodes are numbered from 0 to numNodes-1. Every connection connects
two nodes (or possibly a node to itself).

A double representing the probability there exists a path from node 0 to node
numNode-1 such that every connection in the path is up. Your result must be
within 10^-6 of our solution's result (tolerance for double inaccuracies).

* A "path" is a series of one or more connections such that each successive
connection starts at the node where the previous connection ended.
* The connections are bi-directional.
* There can be multiple (parallel) connections connecting two nodes.

TopCoder will ensure the validity of the inputs.  Inputs are valid if all of
the following criteria are met:
* numNodes is an integer between 2 and 10, inclusive.
* Elements of connections are of the form described in the input above.
* connections has between 0 and 20 elements, inclusive.
* P is a decimal value between 0 and 1 inclusive with exactly one digit before
the decimal point and two digits after the decimal point.
* N1 and N2 are single integer digits between 0 and numNodes-1, inclusive.

* Nodes are in series. For example, if numNodes = 3 and connections = {"0 1
0.20", "1 2 0.10"}, the network looks as follows (letters are added for
 ___             ___              ___
|   |   0.20    |   |    0.10    |   |   
| 0 |-----------| 1 |------------| 2 |
|___|     a     |___|      b     |___|

In this case, the probability of a connection from 0 to 2 is the probability
that a AND b are up. The AND relationship corresponds to multiplication.
Therefore, to calculate this all you need to do is mutliply the probability of
0->1 by the probability of 1->2. 
                (0.20 * 0.10) = 0.02
So the method should return 0.02.

* Nodes are in parallel. If numNodes = 4 and connections = {"0 1 0.10", "1 3
0.20", "0 2 0.30", "2 3 0.40"}, the network looks as follows:
                |   |
     0.10 /-----| 1 |-----\  0.20
         /      |___|      \
 ___    / a               b \  ___
|   |  /                     \|   |
| 0 | /                       | 3 |
|___| \                      /|___|
       \         ___        /
        \ c     |   |    d /
         \------| 2 |-----/
       0.30     |___|       0.40

In order for this to happen, either a and b have to be up, or c and d have to
be up. The probability a connection exists from 0 to 3 now becomes the
probability that (a AND b are up) OR (c AND d are up). 

This equals P(a AND b up) OR P(c AND d up) = P(a up)*P(b up) + P(c up)*P(d up)
- P(a and b and c and d up) = 0.1 * 0.2 + 0.3 * 0.4 - 0.1 * 0.2 * 0.3 * 0.4 =

(The probability that they are all up is subtracted out at the end because it
is added as both P(a AND b up) and P(c AND d up)).

* If numNodes=2 and connections = {"0 1 0.80"}, there is a path from node 0 to
node 1 when the connection is up, so the method should return 0.8.

* If numNodes=3 and connections = {"0 2 0.50", "0 2 0.50", "0 1 0.10", "1 2
0.20","1 1 0.60"}, there is a path from node 0 from node 2 if either of the
first two connections are up or if both the 3rd and 4th connection are up, so
the method should return 0.755.  Note the connection from node 1 to node 1 does
not affect the result.

* If numNodes=4 and connections = {"0 2 0.06", "3 1 1.00", "1 3 0.50", "1 2
0.00"}, the method should return 0.0.

* If numNodes=4 and connections = {"0 1 0.10", "1 3 0.20", "0 2 0.30", "2 3
0.40", "1 2 0.60"}, the method should return 0.17048.
This can be calculated by reducing the network as follows:

The original network looks like:
          _____|   |_____     
    0.10 /     | 1 |     \  0.20
        /      |___|      \
 ___   / a       |       b \  ___
|   | /          |e         \|   |
| 0 |/           |0.60       | 3 |
|___|\           |          /|___|
      \         _|_        /
       \ c     |   |    d /
        \______| 2 |_____/
      0.30     |___|       0.40

This solution can be found by reducing the network.  
The chance the network is up is P(e up)*P(Network up, given e up) + P(e
down)*P(Network up, given e down).

P(Network up, given e up):

Given e up, the network becomes:

         0.10           0.20
       ______         ________
 ___  /  a   \  ___  /    b   \  ___
|   |/        \|   |/          \|   |
| 0 |\   c    /|1,2|\     d    /| 3 |
|___| \______/ |___| \________/ |___|
         0.30           0.40

The probability this is up is :

P((a OR c up) AND (b OR d up)) =
P(a OR c up) * P(b OR d up) =
(0.1+ 0.3- 0.1 * 0.3) * (0.2 + 0.4-0.2 * 0.4) = 0.1924

Given e down, the network becomes:
                |   |
     0.10 /-----| 1 |-----\  0.20
         /      |___|      \
 ___    / a               b \  ___
|   |  /                     \|   |
| 0 | /                       | 3 |
|___| \                      /|___|
       \         ___        /
        \ c     |   |    d /
         \------| 2 |-----/
       0.30     |___|       0.40

And low and behold, this is the network from the last example, and the
probability of it being up is: 0.1376

Therefore, the probability of the entire network being up is:
P(e up)*P(Network up, given e up) + P(e down)*P(Network up, given e down) =
0.6 * 0.1924 + 0.4 * 0.1376 = 0.17048
The method should return 0.17048.


Parameters:int, String[]
Method signature:double getProbability(int param0, String[] param1)
(be sure your method is public)

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Problem categories:

Dynamic Programming, Graph Theory, Math