A palindrome is a phrase that reads the same forward and backward (ignoring spaces). Given the first half of a palindrome (as described below), you must return a complete palindrome that contains only words from a given set of legal words. The returned palindrome must be a phrase where words are separated by single spaces.
You will be given the first half of the palindrome as a String text containing only letters and no spaces. There are two complete palindromes that can be created from this first half. For example, given "ABC", you could produce either "ABCCBA" or "ABCBA" as the complete palindrome. You must then insert spaces into the complete palindrome such that all the words in the phrase exist in the String[] words
For example, given the list of words { "A", "CANAL", "MAN", "PANAMA", "PLAN" }, and the text "AMANAPLANAC", your method would return the String "A MAN A PLAN A CANAL PANAMA".
If no palindrome can be made, your method should return "".
If more than one palindrome can be made, return the one that comes first lexicographically (please note that ' ' comes before all letters).