You have n distinct integers between 1 and n, inclusive. A permutation of these integers is called an (m,k)-ladder permutation if its longest increasing subsequence has length m and its longest decreasing subsequence has length k. A subsequence is a sequence created by removing zero or more elements from an original sequence. The relative order of the remaining elements must be preserved. For example, {1, 3} is a subsequence of {1, 2, 3}, but {3, 2} is not. An increasing sequence is one in which each element is greater than the previous element, and a decreasing sequence is one in which each element is less than the previous element.
You are given ints n, m and k. Return a int[] containing the (m,k)-ladder permutation of size n. If there are multiple possibilities, return the one that comes first lexicographically. If there is no such permutation, return an empty int[]. Sequence A comes before sequence B lexicographically if A contains a lower value at the first position where they differ.