You have a calculator with a screen that can display up to digits digits along with a single decimal point.
If the result of an operation is a number that cannot fit on the screen, the calculator will show just "E" (quotes for clarity) rather than the actual result.
Note that fractional numbers less than 1.0 are always shown without the leftmost 0 (for example, ".125").
Also note that integer numbers are never shown with a decimal point, so 4 would always be shown as "4", not "4." or "4.0"."
Leading zeros are never displayed (at the left of integer part or the right in the fractional part).
Given a numerator n and denominator d, return the content of the calculator's screen after dividing n by d. For example, 10005 divided by 400 is 25.0125. A 6-digit display would show "25.0125" while a 5-digit display would show "E" (all quotes for clarity only).