Problem Statement |
A knight is a chess piece that moves by simultaneously shifting one square along one axis and two squares along the other. A knight's tour of a chessboard is a sequence of moves made by a knight such that each square of the board is visited exactly once. If the final position in the tour is a knight's move away from the first position, the tour is called re-entrant. The picture below shows a re-entrant knight's tour for a 6x6 chessboard.
Josh is trying to find another re-entrant knight's tour on a 6x6 chessboard. He needs a program to make sure he doesn't make any mistakes.
You will be given a String[] cells containing the sequence of cells visited by the knight in order. Each element represents a single cell and is in the form "<letter><digit>" (quotes for clarity), where <letter> is a letter representing the column and <digit> is a digit representing the row. "A1" represents the bottom-left corner of the board, and "F6" represents the top-right corner (see the picture).
Return the String "Valid" if cells contains a valid re-entrant knight's tour, and return "Invalid" otherwise (all quotes for clarity).
Definition |
| Class: | KnightTour | Method: | checkTour | Parameters: | String[] | Returns: | String | Method signature: | String checkTour(String[] cells) | (be sure your method is public) |
Constraints |
- | cells will contain exactly 36 elements. |
- | Each element of cells will be in the form "<letter><digit>" (quotes for clarity), where <letter> is an uppercase letter between 'A' and 'F', inclusive, and <digit> is a digit between '1' and '6', inclusive. |
Examples |
0) | |
| {"A1", "B3", "A5", "C6", "E5", "F3",
"D2", "F1", "E3", "F5", "D4", "B5",
"A3", "B1", "C3", "A2", "C1", "E2",
"F4", "E6", "C5", "A6", "B4", "D5",
"F6", "E4", "D6", "C4", "B6", "A4",
"B2", "D1", "F2", "D3", "E1", "C2"} |
| Returns: "Valid" | The example from the statement. |
1) | |
| {"A1", "C2", "E3", "F5", "D4", "B3",
"A1", "C2", "E3", "F5", "D4", "B3",
"A1", "C2", "E3", "F5", "D4", "B3",
"A1", "C2", "E3", "F5", "D4", "B3",
"A1", "C2", "E3", "F5", "D4", "B3",
"A1", "C2", "E3", "F5", "D4", "B3"}
| Returns: "Invalid" | Some cells are not visited. |
2) | |
| {"D4", "F5", "D6", "B5", "A3", "B1",
"D2", "F1", "E3", "D1", "F2", "E4",
"F6", "D5", "B6", "A4", "B2", "C4",
"A5", "C6", "E5", "F3", "E1", "C2",
"A1", "B3", "C5", "E6", "F4", "E2",
"C3", "A2", "C1", "D3", "B4", "A6"} |
| Returns: "Invalid" | This tour is not re-entrant. |
3) | |
| {"D4", "F5", "D6", "B5", "A3", "B1",
"D2", "F1", "E3", "D1", "F2", "E4",
"F6", "D5", "B6", "A4", "B2", "C4",
"A5", "C6", "E5", "F3", "E1", "C2",
"A1", "B3", "C5", "A6", "B4", "A2",
"C3", "E2", "C1", "D3", "F4", "E6"} |
| Returns: "Valid" | |
4) | |
| {"C5", "D3", "F2", "D1", "B2", "A4",
"B6", "D5", "C3", "E4", "F6", "B3",
"A1", "C2", "E1", "F3", "E5", "C6",
"A5", "C4", "A3", "B1", "D2", "F1",
"E3", "F5", "D6", "B5", "D4", "E6",
"F4", "E2", "C1", "A2", "B4", "A6"}
| Returns: "Invalid" | "F6-B3" is not a valid knight move. |