You are to populate a 5x5 square with each of the numbers between 1 and 25, inclusive. The numbers in each row must be in increasing order from left to right. Some of the cells are already filled in, but no more than one number per row. You must fill in the remaining cells.
You will be given a String[] square. Each row is given as a space-separated list of cells. Each cell is either a number written with two digits (numbers less than 10 have an additional leading zero) or two '?' characters which represent an empty cell. Your method should return a String[] in the same format, but with all the empty cells filled in. If there are no arrangements possible return an empty String[]. If there are several arrangements possible return the one with the smallest first number in the first row. If there are still several arrangements possible return the one with the smallest second number in the first row, and so on.