We must determine whether or not a certain type of container can withstand a pressure
of 100.0, and if not determine as closely as possible the "critcal pressure",
the greatest pressure that it can withstand. (We know that it can withstand a pressure
of 0.0.)
We can run multiple tests. Each test can test only a single pressure on
a single container, and the result of a test is either that the container survived
or was destroyed. If it survived it can be used in successive tests.
We must develop a testing protocol that uses no more than numTests
tests and destroys no more than numDestroyed containers. The testing must
determine whether or not the container can withstand 100.0, and if it cannot it
must also estimate
the critical pressure as accurately as possible.
Given numTests and
numDestroyed return the minimum absolute error we can guarantee in our estimate
of critical pressure.