As you are sitting eating your breakfast, rushing to get to work, you hear the traffic report playing on the radio. You listen to the radio and copy down what the report says. Now, you want to figure out how long it will take you to get to work today (and ideally do this before your hot oatmeal gets cold).
You will be given your route. Each element of route will be formatted as "TIME STREET" (quotes for clarity); this indicates that it normally takes you TIME minutes to travel down the given STREET. You also have access to the report, which is formatted similarly. The time listed in report is the additional amount of time needed to travel on that road. For example, if "10 NJTPK" is in your route and report contains "12 NJTPK", it will take you 22 minutes to travel on that street.
With this information, you are to calculate the time needed to travel to work today.