TopCoder problem "TwoCardDraw" used in TCO07 MM 2 (Division I Level One)

Problem Statement


Poker has become amazingly popular recently. While some significant progress has been made towards algorithms which play well, very few of them can adapt to their opponents playing styles the way the best human players do.

In this problem, you will play a simplified version of the game, which we will call two-card draw. In this game, each player first antes 1 unit (puts 1 unit in the pot), and is then dealt two 'cards' where a card is simply a random integer from 0 to 4. After the players receive their cards, there is a round of betting. If no one folds (quits) in the first round of betting, each player may then exchange (or draw) 0, 1 or 2 of his cards for new cards. You will draw first, and then your opponent will draw, knowing how many cards you have exchanged. After this exchange, there is another round of betting, followed by a showdown (assuming no one has folded). In the showdown, the two hands are compared just like in regular poker. A hand with two cards that are the same always beats a hand with two different cards. If both hands have a pair (two cards of the same value) the higher pair wins. If neither hand has a pair, then the hand with the highest card wins. If each hand has the same highest card, then the other card is compared. If both hands are the same, then it is a tie. Whoever has the winning hand wins the pot, while the pot is split evenly if there is a tie.

In each round of betting you act first and have two options: check or bet. If you check, you put no more money into the pot. If you choose to bet, you place either bet1 or bet2 units in the pot, depending on whether it is the first or second round of betting. After you decide to check or bet, your opponent can either fold, call, or raise. If he folds, you win the pot. If he calls, he puts the same amount in the pot as you, and the round of betting is over. If he raises, he matches your bet, and puts in one more of his own (whose size is either bet1 or bet2) , and then the decision is put back to you: fold (opponent wins), call (draw or showdown next), or raise. The two players may raise a combined total of at most 3 times in each round of betting (where choosing to bet initially counts as a raise). Thus, the following are the only reasonable valid betting sequences:

YOU   | OPP   | YOU   | OPP   | YOU
check | call  |       |       |
check | raise | fold  |       |
check | raise | call  |       |
check | raise | raise | fold  |
check | raise | raise | call  |
check | raise | raise | raise | fold
check | raise | raise | raise | call
bet   | fold  |       |       |
bet   | call  |       |       |
bet   | raise | fold  |       |
bet   | raise | call  |       |
bet   | raise | raise | fold  |
bet   | raise | raise | call  |

In this problem, you will be playing against the TopCoder server, which will play a fixed strategy in each test case. Though the server's strategy will be fixed, it will be probabilistic. Thus, in each situation, the server will make a random choice based on a fixed probability distribution and perform the action dictated by this choice. More specifically, we will use the term situation to indicate the combination of the cards held by the server, and all the past actions that have led to the current decision being made by the server. For instance, one situation is: server's cards = (1,1), you raised, the server called, you then drew one card. In this situation, the server must make a decision about how many cards to draw. It will make this decision based on a probability distribution associated with the above situation.

To play against the TC server, you must implement a number of methods, as described below.

  • init(bet1, bet2) -- This is called only once per test case, and gives parameters which are constant over all games for this test case.
  • new_hand(card1, card2, winnings) -- This method indicates that a new hand is starting, where you have cards card1 and card2. winnings gives you your winnings over the previous hands. You should return 0 to check, or 1 to bet in the first round of betting.
  • round1(card1, card2, bets) -- This method asks you what you would like to do when the TC server has raised in the first round of betting, where you have card1 and card2, and the parameter bets specifies the total number of bets so far. Your return should be as follows:
    • 0 to fold
    • 1 to call
    • 2 to raise
    Note that if bets is 3, you cannot raise, since the maximum number of bets is 3.
  • draw(card1, card2, bets) -- After the first round of betting is over, and neither player has folded, this method will be called, asking you how many cards you would like to draw. You should return 0, 1, or 2. If you return 1, it is assumed that you would like to exchange the lower of your two cards (doing otherwise would be a mistake).
  • round2(card1, card2, bets1, bets2, drew) -- This method asks you what you would like to do in the second round of betting. The parameters card1 and card2 tell you what your cards are, bets1 reminds you how many bets there were in the first round, while bets2 tells you how many bets there have been so far in this round of betting. When bets2 is 0, it means that you are acting first in this round, and may check or bet. drew tells you how many cards the TC server drew. Your return should be as follows:
    • 0 to fold
    • 1 to call or check
    • 2 to raise or bet
    Note that if bets2 is 3, you cannot raise, since the maximum number of bets is 3.
  • showdown(card1, card2, opp1, opp2) -- This method will be called if there is a showdown, telling you what cards you have, and what cards your opponent has. Note that this method will not be called if either player folds, and thus the only way to find out what cards the TC server has is to reach a showdown.

Notice that you will not always be explicitly told everything that happens. For example, if the TC server decides to fold, you will not be explicitly told, but you may deduce it from the fact that the new_hand method will be called instead of one of the other methods. Similarly, when you raise in the first round and the TC server calls, you won't be told explicitly, but can deduce what happened since the draw method will then be called.

Here is a simple example of a hand:

First, new_hand is called, with c1 = 1 and c2 = 2, indicating that you have a 1 and a 2. Let's assume you want to bet in round 1 of the betting, so you would return 1 from the new_hand method. Assuming the server calls, you would now have to decide how many cards to draw, and so the draw method would be called with c1=1, c2=2, bets=1. To draw 1 cards, you return 1. Now, assume that the server draws 1 card. The round2 method would then be called, and let's assume that you draw a 4 so, the parameters would be card1=2, card2=4, bets1=1, bets2=0, drew=1 (since there are no bets yet in round 2, and the server drew 1 card). Lets say that you check (return 1 from the round2 method), and the server calls. We then go to the showdown, where you would learn what the server holds. It turns out that the server a 4 and a 3, and so you lose. You put a total of 1 (your ante) plus one small bet (of size bet1) in the pot, and so that is how much you would lose on this hand.


In each test case, you will play 10,000 hands. Your score for a test case will be your total profit (or loss) plus 10,000. If this ends up being negative, it is increased to 0. Your overall score will simply be your average score for all the tests.

Further Server Play Details

This section describes the behavior of the TC Server in further detail, and is not strictly necessary for understanding the problem, but it may help you play better.

In the first round of betting a situation for the server is fully specified by the two cards held, along with the number of bets placed so far. Note that if the number of bets is even, it means that you checked as your initial action, while if it is odd, it means that you bet as your initial action. For these situations, the server has three probabilities, which form a probability distribution: the probabilities to fold, call, or raise. Another type of situation occurs when the first round of betting is over and the server must draw cards. In this case, a situation is defined by the cards held, the betting action of the first round (number of bets, and who bet first), along with the number of cards drawn by you. Finally, the situations in the second round of betting are defined by the cards held, the betting action of the first round, and the number of cards drawn by each player. Note that in the second round of betting, the decision is in no way dependent on the cards which were exchanged.

The exact probability distributions for the various actions in all the situations combine to form a strategy for the TC server. The value of a server strategy is defined to be the amount that it wins (or loses) when playing against an opposing strategy that is perfectly tuned to it. In other words, the value of the strategy is the worst that strategy could do (in expectation) against an opponent (like you) who played perfectly (against this strategy), assuming that that opponent fully understood the strategy (knew all the probabilities). In general, a random strategy is very bad, and has an extremely low value. However, a random strategy can serve as a starting point to find a good strategy, with a higher value. More specifically, we start with a random probability distribution chosen uniformly from the unit simplex. From this starting point, we consider the probability distributions for each situation, one distribution at a time. For each situation, we generate a new probability distribution, and see if using this distribution instead of the current one improves the value of the strategy. If it does, we install it, otherwise, we simply move on to the next situation. For each test case, we do this between 10,000 and 200,000 times (total, not per situation). Finally, in practice this algorithm performs better with a couple of slight tweaks. Instead of evaluating the value of the strategy against an opponent who plays perfectly, the value is evaluated against an opponent who plays almost perfectly, but does the wrong thing a very small fraction of the time (1 time in a thousand for each wrong possible wrong thing).

Another way that this strategy generation algorithm is improved is to choose the random probability distributions subject to the following constraints, which attempt to prevent the strategy from doing anything that seem to be clearly wrong. Additionally, in each iteration of the improvement algorithm, these constraints will be maintained:
  • Never fold or exchange cards when holding the best hand (two 4's)
  • Never draw two cards when one card is a 4 (drawing one would be better).
  • Never draw just one card when holding a pair.
  • Always raise with a pair of 4's in the second round of betting.
  • Never fold when calling is free.


Parameters:int, int
Method signature:int init(int bet1, int bet2)
Parameters:int, int, int
Method signature:int new_hand(int card1, int card2, int winnings)
Parameters:int, int, int
Method signature:int round1(int card1, int card2, int bets)
Parameters:int, int, int
Method signature:int draw(int card1, int card2, int bets)
Parameters:int, int, int, int, int
Method signature:int round2(int card1, int card2, int bets1, int bets2, int drew)
Parameters:int, int, int, int
Method signature:int showdown(int card1, int card2, int opp1, int opp2)
(be sure your methods are public)


-You may return any integer from the showdown and init methods -- it will be ignored.
-The memory limit is 64MB and the time limit is 20 seconds (which only includes time spent in your code).
-A sample solution is available in Java, C#, Python, or C++. The strategy is very simple: bet/raise with a pair of fours and check/call otherwise.
-There are 4 example test cases and 16 full submission test cases.
-If you return 0 on the first call to round2 (when you should return 1 to check, or 2 to bet), it will be treated as if you returned 1 and you will check.


-BET1 will be between 1 and 5, inclusive.
-BET2 will be between BET1 and 3*BET1, inclusive.
-card1 will always be the smaller valued of the two cards.


"-323318585 1 3 0 0 0.49283 0.50717 0 0 1 0.00069 0.60472 0.39458 0 0 2 0.19446 0.36637 0.43918 0 0 3 0.06351 0.93649 0 0 0 4 0 0.88764 0.11236 0 0 5 0.6395 0.19514 0.16536 0 0 6 0.87137 0.10261 0.02602 0 0 7 0.23048 0.76952 0 0 0 8 0 0.61748 0.38252 0 0 9 0.87922 0.09555 0.02523 0 0 10 0.47405 0.38838 0.13758 0 0 11 0.87091 0.12909 0 0 0 12 0 0.95767 0.04233 0 0 13 0.51123 0.45337 0.0354 0 0 14 0.42193 0.50757 0.0705 0 0 15 0.54577 0.45423 0 0 0 16 0 0.985 0.015 0 0 17 0.0053 0.35668 0.63802 0 0 18 0.41762 0.48241 0.09996 0 0 19 0.01476 0.98524 0 0 0 24 0 0.21945 0.78055 0 0 25 0.03462 0.84755 0.11783 0 0 26 0.00446 0.97078 0.02475 0 0 27 0.011 0.989 0 0 0 28 0 0.84453 0.15547 0 0 29 0.38065 0.61066 0.00868 0 0 30 0.55252 0.39227 0.05522 0 0 31 0.97721 0.02279 0 0 0 32 0 0.91961 0.08039 0 0 33 0.70658 0.09178 0.20164 0 0 34 0.16332 0.7714 0.06528 0 0 35 0.4084 0.5916 0 0 0 36 0 0.91963 0.08037 0 0 37 0.00774 0.92973 0.06253 0 0 38 0.05308 0.65791 0.28901 0 0 39 0.00514 0.99486 0 0 0 48 0 0.29565 0.70435 0 0 49 0.08295 0.43348 0.48357 0 0 50 0.087 0.59324 0.31977 0 0 51 0.0103 0.9897 0 0 0 52 0 0.98082 0.01918 0 0 53 0.76728 0.1292 0.10352 0 0 54 0.81774 0.04486 0.1374 0 0 55 0.9867 0.0133 0 0 0 56 0 0.90834 0.09166 0 0 57 0.0148 0.74472 0.24048 0 0 58 0.0363 0.65221 0.31149 0 0 59 0.04647 0.95353 0 0 0 72 0 0.01178 0.98822 0 0 73 0.03517 0.74334 0.22149 0 0 74 0.06179 0.85436 0.08385 0 0 75 0.00875 0.99125 0 0 0 76 0 0.80741 0.19259 0 0 77 0.00739 0.893 0.0996 0 0 78 0.04007 0.91927 0.04066 0 0 79 0.01609 0.98391 0 0 0 96 0 0.66035 0.33965 0 0 97 0 0.02124 0.97876 0 0 98 0 0.04961 0.95039 0 0 99 0 1 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 0 0.00748 601 0 0 0 0 0.02578 602 0 0 0 0 0.00063 606 0 0 0 0 0.10278 607 0 0 0 0 0.03268 608 0 0 0 0 0.01129 609 0 0 0 0 0.64624 610 0 0 0 0 0.09471 611 0 0 0 0 0.02174 612 0 0 0 0 0.00486 613 0 0 0 0 0.00575 614 0 0 0 0 0.00882 615 0 0 0 0 0.80881 616 0 0 0 0 0.00497 617 0 0 0 0 0.47185 618 0 0 0 0 0.01189 619 0 0 0 0 0.00358 620 0 0 0 0 0.05104 621 0 0 0 0 0.40324 622 0 0 0 0 0.05289 623 0 0 0 0 0.11044 624 0 0 0 0.17092 0.19494 625 0 0 0 0.17091 0.7777 626 0 0 0 0.04249 0.93014 630 0 0 0 0.53855 0.42049 631 0 0 0 0.17911 0.56672 632 0 0 0 0.75024 0.21942 633 0 0 0 0.14213 0.3385 634 0 0 0 0.14008 0.06224 635 0 0 0 0.48681 0.06274 636 0 0 0 0.01261 0.95 637 0 0 0 0.11587 0.85711 638 0 0 0 0.30961 0.40704 639 0 0 0 0.00002 0.95631 640 0 0 0 0.37049 0.20864 641 0 0 0 0.35803 0.5226 642 0 0 0 0.11983 0.15887 643 0 0 0 0.02549 0.33997 644 0 0 0 0.07529 0.29752 645 0 0 0 0.82694 0.15534 646 0 0 0 0.09869 0.64728 647 0 0 0 0.15145 0.8017 648 0 0 0 0.77805 0.03586 649 0 0 0 0.36126 0.63183 650 0 0 0 0.22776 0.69691 654 0 0 0 0.22788 0.12564 655 0 0 0 0.38456 0.51395 656 0 0 0 0.91296 0.03576 657 0 0 0 0.68731 0.18971 658 0 0 0 0.17341 0.82484 659 0 0 0 0.06716 0.05066 660 0 0 0 0.011 0.75761 661 0 0 0 0.42116 0.05503 662 0 0 0 0.76052 0.19319 663 0 0 0 0.40027 0.54411 664 0 0 0 0.43844 0.30289 665 0 0 0 0.12023 0.59157 666 0 0 0 0.10453 0.42548 667 0 0 0 0.2403 0.11022 668 0 0 0 0.13902 0.09666 669 0 0 0 0.03497 0.52556 670 0 0 0 0.18743 0.1883 671 0 0 0 0.35581 0.10872 672 0 0 0 0.83941 0.03257 673 0 0 0 0.98785 0.00952 674 0 0 0 0.66773 0.19137 678 0 0 0 0.88163 0.08534 679 0 0 0 0.49505 0.27526 680 0 0 0 0.79941 0.01349 681 0 0 0 0.71916 0.0487 682 0 0 0 0.7631 0.03609 683 0 0 0 0.78169 0.14019 684 0 0 0 0.87479 0.03565 685 0 0 0 0.47776 0.08053 686 0 0 0 0.68436 0.13758 687 0 0 0 0.62602 0.23838 688 0 0 0 0.82356 0.09922 689 0 0 0 0.9146 0.0729 690 0 0 0 0.82773 0.05991 691 0 0 0 0.6627 0.06569 692 0 0 0 0.84854 0.08238 693 0 0 0 0.64661 0.35178 694 0 0 0 0.4632 0.40495 695 0 0 0 0.21461 0.37873 696 0 0 0 0.92304 0 697 0 0 0 0.98004 0 698 0 0 0 0.96785 0 702 0 0 0 0.9815 0 703 0 0 0 0.98123 0 704 0 0 0 0.99648 0 705 0 0 0 0.97658 0 706 0 0 0 0.83533 0 707 0 0 0 0.70105 0 708 0 0 0 0.97579 0 709 0 0 0 0.9374 0 710 0 0 0 0.83507 0 711 0 0 0 0.86891 0 712 0 0 0 0.99605 0 713 0 0 0 0.86198 0 714 0 0 0 0.90837 0 715 0 0 0 0.97944 0 716 0 0 0 0.92454 0 717 0 0 0 0.39917 0 718 0 0 0 0.15973 0 719 0 0 0 0.8311 0 744 0 0 0 0 0.05141 745 0 0 0 0 0.01937 746 0 0 0 0 0.00614 750 0 0 0 0 0.00073 751 0 0 0 0 0.03011 752 0 0 0 0 0.00217 753 0 0 0 0 0.0199 754 0 0 0 0 0.03005 755 0 0 0 0 0.00502 756 0 0 0 0 0.00489 757 0 0 0 0 0.01841 758 0 0 0 0 0.02971 759 0 0 0 0 0.16732 760 0 0 0 0 0.01271 761 0 0 0 0 0.01718 762 0 0 0 0 0.0454 763 0 0 0 0 0.02803 764 0 0 0 0 0.03303 765 0 0 0 0 0.06364 766 0 0 0 0 0.1267 767 0 0 0 0 0.01298 768 0 0 0 0.80726 0.1383 769 0 0 0 0.10585 0.51524 770 0 0 0 0.77343 0.17821 774 0 0 0 0.44786 0.55105 775 0 0 0 0.76942 0.14376 776 0 0 0 0.55534 0.20442 777 0 0 0 0.47606 0.4678 778 0 0 0 0.06229 0.34959 779 0 0 0 0.15446 0.68114 780 0 0 0 0.04194 0.78039 781 0 0 0 0.37689 0.23312 782 0 0 0 0.50392 0.33494 783 0 0 0 0.59287 0.35446 784 0 0 0 0.13272 0.27287 785 0 0 0 0.13242 0.07347 786 0 0 0 0.82293 0.15497 787 0 0 0 0.02451 0.29514 788 0 0 0 0.39131 0.05007 789 0 0 0 0.13978 0.60973 790 0 0 0 0.17946 0.45328 791 0 0 0 0.64527 0.05088 792 0 0 0 0.78523 0.05708 793 0 0 0 0.78175 0.17508 794 0 0 0 0.84299 0.11577 798 0 0 0 0.93254 0.05934 799 0 0 0 0.68681 0.1054 800 0 0 0 0.92429 0.04035 801 0 0 0 0.91288 0.01406 802 0 0 0 0.17243 0.15427 803 0 0 0 0.83837 0.08458 804 0 0 0 0.35002 0.00864 805 0 0 0 0.40078 0.13016 806 0 0 0 0.63096 0.00136 807 0 0 0 0.46225 0.13244 808 0 0 0 0.04685 0.77245 809 0 0 0 0.68051 0.01916 810 0 0 0 0.66004 0.18075 811 0 0 0 0.49504 0.00633 812 0 0 0 0.49765 0.0234 813 0 0 0 0.82222 0.03429 814 0 0 0 0.12117 0.08072 815 0 0 0 0.75739 0.23801 816 0 0 0 0.99493 0 817 0 0 0 0.99196 0 818 0 0 0 0.96585 0 822 0 0 0 0.93547 0 823 0 0 0 0.98416 0 824 0 0 0 0.96866 0 825 0 0 0 0.91191 0 826 0 0 0 0.92398 0 827 0 0 0 0.62676 0 828 0 0 0 0.86314 0 829 0 0 0 0.99368 0 830 0 0 0 0.99166 0 831 0 0 0 0.99732 0 832 0 0 0 0.95538 0 833 0 0 0 0.59276 0 834 0 0 0 0.99924 0 835 0 0 0 0.82663 0 836 0 0 0 0.95495 0 837 0 0 0 0.9911 0 838 0 0 0 0.53498 0 839 0 0 0 0.89571 0 888 0 0 0 0 0.03555 889 0 0 0 0 0.03554 890 0 0 0 0 0.01985 894 0 0 0 0 0.08493 895 0 0 0 0 0.04655 896 0 0 0 0 0.02005 897 0 0 0 0 0.2624 898 0 0 0 0 0.0534 899 0 0 0 0 0.09331 900 0 0 0 0 0.03996 901 0 0 0 0 0.05805 902 0 0 0 0 0.01951 903 0 0 0 0 0.06531 904 0 0 0 0 0.00812 905 0 0 0 0 0.10553 906 0 0 0 0 0.02081 907 0 0 0 0 0.04257 908 0 0 0 0 0.05762 909 0 0 0 0 0.01178 910 0 0 0 0 0.10753 911 0 0 0 0 0.14058 912 0 0 0 0.85379 0.14551 913 0 0 0 0.84532 0.09351 914 0 0 0 0.53103 0.45283 918 0 0 0 0.92037 0.07595 919 0 0 0 0.53908 0.39527 920 0 0 0 0.73307 0.01742 921 0 0 0 0.85833 0.14083 922 0 0 0 0.21444 0.03922 923 0 0 0 0.27892 0.08492 924 0 0 0 0.50637 0.15167 925 0 0 0 0.41707 0.04746 926 0 0 0 0.76117 0.03566 927 0 0 0 0.10209 0.32237 928 0 0 0 0.02931 0.62636 929 0 0 0 0.83159 0.15709 930 0 0 0 0.64128 0.33439 931 0 0 0 0.74747 0.03161 932 0 0 0 0.02161 0.11835 933 0 0 0 0.70661 0.27996 934 0 0 0 0.30944 0.30759 935 0 0 0 0.68021 0.09332 936 0 0 0 0.97791 0 937 0 0 0 0.92922 0 938 0 0 0 0.96172 0 942 0 0 0 0.969 0 943 0 0 0 0.99502 0 944 0 0 0 0.99885 0 945 0 0 0 0.61662 0 946 0 0 0 0.97635 0 947 0 0 0 0.97187 0 948 0 0 0 0.86783 0 949 0 0 0 0.92653 0 950 0 0 0 0.98801 0 951 0 0 0 0.99069 0 952 0 0 0 0.79722 0 953 0 0 0 0.77543 0 954 0 0 0 0.95952 0 955 0 0 0 0.82762 0 956 0 0 0 0.86534 0 957 0 0 0 0.9998 0 958 0 0 0 0.66878 0 959 0 0 0 0.66056 0 1032 0 0 0 0 0.05211 1033 0 0 0 0 0.06529 1034 0 0 0 0 0.03903 1038 0 0 0 0 0.0659 1039 0 0 0 0 0.02904 1040 0 0 0 0 0.00353 1041 0 0 0 0 0.01552 1042 0 0 0 0 0.00508 1043 0 0 0 0 0.046 1044 0 0 0 0 0.03818 1045 0 0 0 0 0.01132 1046 0 0 0 0 0.03857 1047 0 0 0 0 0.06243 1048 0 0 0 0 0.00803 1049 0 0 0 0 0.07475 1050 0 0 0 0 0.00459 1051 0 0 0 0 0.04263 1052 0 0 0 0 0.03024 1053 0 0 0 0 0.01399 1054 0 0 0 0 0.16881 1055 0 0 0 0 0.01837 1056 0 0 0 0.99834 0 1057 0 0 0 0.90208 0 1058 0 0 0 0.90543 0 1062 0 0 0 0.985 0 1063 0 0 0 0.97789 0 1064 0 0 0 0.71113 0 1065 0 0 0 0.89751 0 1066 0 0 0 0.1116 0 1067 0 0 0 0.57494 0 1068 0 0 0 0.91649 0 1069 0 0 0 0.12919 0 1070 0 0 0 0.07159 0 1071 0 0 0 0.99883 0 1072 0 0 0 0.81251 0 1073 0 0 0 0.91258 0 1074 0 0 0 0.97564 0 1075 0 0 0 0.05491 0 1076 0 0 0 0.03592 0 1077 0 0 0 0.89118 0 1078 0 0 0 0.28559 0 1079 0 0 0 0.15849 0 7200 0 0.83896 0.16104 0 0 7201 0 1 0 0 0 7202 0 0.9164 0.0836 0 0 7203 0 0.56019 0.43981 0 0 7204 0 1 0 0 0 7205 0 0.03858 0.96142 0 0 7206 0 0.98411 0.01589 0 0 7207 0 1 0 0 0 7208 0 0.15182 0.84818 0 0 7209 0.68177 0.27213 0.0461 0 0 7210 0 1 0 0 0 7211 0.70877 0.23584 0.05539 0 0 7212 0.89922 0.07761 0.02317 0 0 7213 0 1 0 0 0 7214 0.11197 0.71306 0.17497 0 0 7215 0.72751 0.19653 0.07597 0 0 7216 0 1 0 0 0 7217 0.01487 0.94962 0.03551 0 0 7218 0.06705 0.31502 0.61793 0 0 7219 0 1 0 0 0 7220 0.47002 0.35277 0.1772 0 0 7221 0.73641 0.10926 0.15433 0 0 7222 0 1 0 0 0 7223 0.17571 0.79494 0.02934 0 0 7224 0.79704 0.07669 0.12628 0 0 7225 0 1 0 0 0 7226 0.66672 0.19684 0.13644 0 0 7227 0.94279 0.05721 0 0 0 7228 0 1 0 0 0 7229 0.86522 0.13478 0 0 0 7230 0.92842 0.07158 0 0 0 7231 0 1 0 0 0 7232 0.18118 0.81882 0 0 0 7233 0.9887 0.0113 0 0 0 7234 0 1 0 0 0 7235 0.8147 0.1853 0 0 0 7272 0 0.80245 0.19755 0 0 7273 0 1 0 0 0 7274 0 0.49038 0.50962 0 0 7275 0 0.59831 0.40169 0 0 7276 0 1 0 0 0 7277 0 0.0554 0.9446 0 0 7278 0 0.9989 0.0011 0 0 7279 0 1 0 0 0 7280 0 0.01634 0.98366 0 0 7281 0.85142 0.11147 0.03711 0 0 7282 0 1 0 0 0 7283 0.00758 0.94936 0.04306 0 0 7284 0.07415 0.8303 0.09555 0 0 7285 0 1 0 0 0 7286 0.00344 0.46334 0.53322 0 0 7287 0.57002 0.41264 0.01735 0 0 7288 0 1 0 0 0 7289 0.01366 0.53737 0.44896 0 0 7290 0.87025 0.12811 0.00163 0 0 7291 0 1 0 0 0 7292 0.05016 0.92416 0.02568 0 0 7293 0.28222 0.64044 0.07734 0 0 7294 0 1 0 0 0 7295 0.12608 0.76643 0.10749 0 0 7296 0.82495 0.11135 0.06369 0 0 7297 0 1 0 0 0 7298 0.05536 0.87475 0.06989 0 0 7299 0.94586 0.05414 0 0 0 7300 0 1 0 0 0 7301 0.86928 0.13072 0 0 0 7302 0.37626 0.62374 0 0 0 7303 0 1 0 0 0 7304 0.27695 0.72305 0 0 0 7305 0.95016 0.04984 0 0 0 7306 0 1 0 0 0 7307 0.20809 0.79191 0 0 0 7308 0 0.0667 0.9333 0 0 7309 0 1 0 0 0 7310 0 0.96173 0.03827 0 0 7311 0 0.91412 0.08588 0 0 7312 0 1 0 0 0 7313 0 0.05156 0.94844 0 0 7314 0 0.97731 0.02269 0 0 7315 0 1 0 0 0 7316 0 0.05052 0.94948 0 0 7317 0.69655 0.15228 0.15117 0 0 7318 0 1 0 0 0 7319 0.46568 0.4451 0.08922 0 0 7320 0.65408 0.33767 0.00825 0 0 7321 0 1 0 0 0 7322 0.02661 0.82764 0.14575 0 0 7323 0.35534 0.26628 0.37838 0 0 7324 0 1 0 0 0 7325 0.08356 0.56992 0.34653 0 0 7326 0.71436 0.26374 0.0219 0 0 7327 0 1 0 0 0 7328 0.5134 0.18005 0.30655 0 0 7329 0.87741 0.00052 0.12208 0 0 7330 0 1 0 0 0 7331 0.01097 0.93153 0.0575 0 0 7332 0.91937 0.05997 0.02066 0 0 7333 0 1 0 0 0 7334 0.14605 0.75982 0.09413 0 0 7335 0.94465 0.05535 0 0 0 7336 0 1 0 0 0 7337 0.36452 0.63548 0 0 0 7338 0.88448 0.11552 0 0 0 7339 0 1 0 0 0 7340 0.19741 0.80259 0 0 0 7341 0.43788 0.56212 0 0 0 7342 0 1 0 0 0 7343 0.12526 0.87474 0 0 0 7344 0 0.96189 0.03811 0 0 7345 0 1 0 0 0 7346 0 0.26482 0.73518 0 0 7347 0 0.82943 0.17057 0 0 7348 0 1 0 0 0 7349 0 0.02346 0.97654 0 0 7350 0 0.96369 0.03631 0 0 7351 0 1 0 0 0 7352 0 0.02629 0.97371 0 0 7353 0.44377 0.43122 0.125 0 0 7354 0 1 0 0 0 7355 0.83021 0.16028 0.00952 0 0 7356 0.34874 0.64398 0.00729 0 0 7357 0 1 0 0 0 7358 0.00719 0.28847 0.70434 0 0 7359 0.89385 0.04613 0.06003 0 0 7360 0 1 0 0 0 7361 0.00072 0.89695 0.10234 0 0 7362 0.2727 0.11085 0.61645 0 0 7363 0 1 0 0 0 7364 0.09026 0.8974 0.01234 0 0 7365 0.21192 0.3813 0.40678 0 0 7366 0 1 0 0 0 7367 0.08913 0.78841 0.12246 0 0 7368 0.35843 0.2424 0.39918 0 0 7369 0 1 0 0 0 7370 0.1313 0.83509 0.03361 0 0 7371 0.97114 0.02886 0 0 0 7372 0 1 0 0 0 7373 0.25912 0.74088 0 0 0 7374 0.67976 0.32024 0 0 0 7375 0 1 0 0 0 7376 0.00599 0.99401 0 0 0 7377 0.93417 0.06583 0 0 0 7378 0 1 0 0 0 7379 0.562 0.438 0 0 0 7380 0 0.25 0.75 0 0 7381 0 1 0 0 0 7382 0 0.99259 0.00741 0 0 7383 0 0.56029 0.43971 0 0 7384 0 1 0 0 0 7385 0 0.1791 0.8209 0 0 7386 0 0.76723 0.23277 0 0 7387 0 1 0 0 0 7388 0 0.43034 0.56966 0 0 7389 0.79668 0.14309 0.06023 0 0 7390 0 1 0 0 0 7391 0.62081 0.33142 0.04777 0 0 7392 0.66082 0.31914 0.02004 0 0 7393 0 1 0 0 0 7394 0.06345 0.78139 0.15516 0 0 7395 0.81146 0.05618 0.13235 0 0 7396 0 1 0 0 0 7397 0.10495 0.16641 0.72864 0 0 7398 0.10048 0.66673 0.23278 0 0 7399 0 1 0 0 0 7400 0.01488 0.08564 0.89948 0 0 7401 0.25804 0.25932 0.48264 0 0 7402 0 1 0 0 0 7403 0.02322 0.82581 0.15097 0 0 7404 0.04932 0.23459 0.71609 0 0 7405 0 1 0 0 0 7406 0.40992 0.48805 0.10203 0 0 7407 0.77267 0.22733 0 0 0 7408 0 1 0 0 0 7409 0.34538 0.65462 0 0 0 7410 0.11574 0.88426 0 0 0 7411 0 1 0 0 0 7412 0.17374 0.82626 0 0 0 7413 0.69093 0.30907 0 0 0 7414 0 1 0 0 0 7415 0.06068 0.93932 0 0 0 7416 0 0.89695 0.10305 0 0 7417 0 1 0 0 0 7418 0 0.98751 0.0125 0 0 7419 0 0.70834 0.29166 0 0 7420 0 1 0 0 0 7421 0 0.00318 0.99682 0 0 7422 0 0.98726 0.01274 0 0 7423 0 1 0 0 0 7424 0 0.02797 0.97203 0 0 7425 0.23695 0.61581 0.14724 0 0 7426 0 1 0 0 0 7427 0.59636 0.39851 0.00513 0 0 7428 0.11832 0.56691 0.31477 0 0 7429 0 1 0 0 0 7430 0.02831 0.11019 0.8615 0 0 7431 0.35043 0.64611 0.00347 0 0 7432 0 1 0 0 0 7433 0.02934 0.03846 0.9322 0 0 7434 0.18347 0.54894 0.26758 0 0 7435 0 1 0 0 0 7436 0.53935 0.12637 0.33428 0 0 7437 0.05128 0.52633 0.42239 0 0 7438 0 1 0 0 0 7439 0.45889 0.19507 0.34605 0 0 7440 0.43162 0.44834 0.12004 0 0 7441 0 1 0 0 0 7442 0.38094 0.03048 0.58858 0 0 7443 0.90884 0.09116 0 0 0 7444 0 1 0 0 0 7445 0.9972 0.0028 0 0 0 7446 0.9281 0.0719 0 0 0 7447 0 1 0 0 0 7448 0.07114 0.92886 0 0 0 7449 0.93568 0.06432 0 0 0 7450 0 1 0 0 0 7451 0.02169 0.97831 0 0 0 7452 0 0.5085 0.4915 0 0 7453 0 1 0 0 0 7454 0 0.83547 0.16453 0 0 7455 0 0.83074 0.16926 0 0 7456 0 1 0 0 0 7457 0 0.16339 0.83661 0 0 7458 0 0.62721 0.37279 0 0 7459 0 1 0 0 0 7460 0 0.44801 0.55199 0 0 7461 0.25777 0.44251 0.29973 0 0 7462 0 1 0 0 0 7463 0.23742 0.75334 0.00923 0 0 7464 0.09759 0.72229 0.18012 0 0 7465 0 1 0 0 0 7466 0.03437 0.92622 0.03941 0 0 7467 0.42778 0.41278 0.15944 0 0 7468 0 1 0 0 0 7469 0.00237 0.90517 0.09246 0 0 7470 0.7636 0.04866 0.18774 0 0 7471 0 1 0 0 0 7472 0.09245 0.7347 0.17285 0 0 7473 0.39604 0.46364 0.14032 0 0 7474 0 1 0 0 0 7475 0.02158 0.4666 0.51181 0 0 7476 0.71049 0.20091 0.0886 0 0 7477 0 1 0 0 0 7478 0.58214 0.36991 0.04795 0 0 7479 0.93941 0.06059 0 0 0 7480 0 1 0 0 0 7481 0.4058 0.5942 0 0 0 7482 0.97453 0.02547 0 0 0 7483 0 1 0 0 0 7484 0.41937 0.58063 0 0 0 7485 0.37635 0.62365 0 0 0 7486 0 1 0 0 0 7487 0.54573 0.45427 0 0 0 7488 0 0.82872 0.17128 0 0 7489 0 0.52482 0.47518 0 0 7490 0 0.90085 0.09915 0 0 7491 0 0.27447 0.72553 0 0 7492 0 0.29183 0.70817 0 0 7493 0 0.99299 0.00701 0 0 7494 0 0.06186 0.93814 0 0 7495 0 0.01653 0.98347 0 0 7496 0 0.34031 0.65969 0 0 7497 0.78081 0.19176 0.02742 0 0 7498 0.86356 0.06831 0.06813 0 0 7499 0.83534 0.15897 0.00569 0 0 7500 0.78454 0.1136 0.10186 0 0 7501 0.94554 0.02137 0.03309 0 0 7502 0.67779 0.31492 0.00729 0 0 7503 0.77458 0.07036 0.15506 0 0 7504 0.49882 0.48756 0.01362 0 0 7505 0.77111 0.14475 0.08414 0 0 7506 0.67783 0.2381 0.08406 0 0 7507 0.75546 0.07358 0.17096 0 0 7508 0.24779 0.70164 0.05057 0 0 7509 0.9715 0.00215 0.02636 0 0 7510 0.94839 0.05142 0.0002 0 0 7511 0.50363 0.30601 0.19036 0 0 7512 0.8666 0.00638 0.12702 0 0 7513 0.01457 0.60593 0.3795 0 0 7514 0.89142 0.0263 0.08228 0 0 7515 0.96118 0.03882 0 0 0 7516 0.92214 0.07786 0 0 0 7517 0.97105 0.02895 0 0 0 7518 0.9809 0.0191 0 0 0 7519 0.87366 0.12634 0 0 0 7520 0.94292 0.05708 0 0 0 7521 0.96689 0.03311 0 0 0 7522 0.64995 0.35005 0 0 0 7523 0.95328 0.04672 0 0 0 7560 0 0.22935 0.77065 0 0 7561 0 0.22894 0.77106 0 0 7562 0 0.97104 0.02896 0 0 7563 0 0.00438 0.99562 0 0 7564 0 0.02399 0.97601 0 0 7565 0 0.59318 0.40682 0 0 7566 0 0.07424 0.92576 0 0 7567 0 0.0116 0.9884 0 0 7568 0 0.62285 0.37715 0 0 7569 0.884 0.07386 0.04215 0 0 7570 0.91026 0.02379 0.06595 0 0 7571 0.87407 0.09181 0.03411 0 0 7572 0.90392 0.05746 0.03861 0 0 7573 0.90811 0.08806 0.00382 0 0 7574 0.70182 0.25872 0.03947 0 0 7575 0.77924 0.21131 0.00945 0 0 7576 0.29689 0.10072 0.60239 0 0 7577 0.83012 0.06562 0.10426 0 0 7578 0.98372 0.00517 0.0111 0 0 7579 0.45223 0.08473 0.46305 0 0 7580 0.94505 0.05188 0.00308 0 0 7581 0.60831 0.25404 0.13765 0 0 7582 0.09772 0.09378 0.8085 0 0 7583 0.95425 0.02247 0.02328 0 0 7584 0.81348 0.00495 0.18156 0 0 7585 0.69218 0.11376 0.19406 0 0 7586 0.62553 0.34993 0.02454 0 0 7587 0.98533 0.01467 0 0 0 7588 0.98136 0.01864 0 0 0 7589 0.9851 0.0149 0 0 0 7590 0.99374 0.00626 0 0 0 7591 0.98522 0.01478 0 0 0 7592 0.96794 0.03206 0 0 0 7593 0.93464 0.06536 0 0 0 7594 0.99262 0.00738 0 0 0 7595 0.97351 0.02649 0 0 0 7596 0 0.34256 0.65744 0 0 7597 0 0.82283 0.17717 0 0 7598 0 0.85229 0.14771 0 0 7599 0 0.02419 0.97581 0 0 7600 0 0.17461 0.82539 0 0 7601 0 0.83014 0.16986 0 0 7602 0 0.08352 0.91648 0 0 7603 0 0.05348 0.94652 0 0 7604 0 0.47372 0.52628 0 0 7605 0.85599 0.11036 0.03365 0 0 7606 0.73102 0.04152 0.22746 0 0 7607 0.65723 0.2596 0.08317 0 0 7608 0.83559 0.12561 0.03881 0 0 7609 0.85206 0.08864 0.0593 0 0 7610 0.98368 0.00884 0.00748 0 0 7611 0.79232 0.14292 0.06476 0 0 7612 0.97737 0.01777 0.00487 0 0 7613 0.53952 0.42231 0.03817 0 0 7614 0.61708 0.04892 0.334 0 0 7615 0.33283 0.39119 0.27598 0 0 7616 0.3269 0.37538 0.29772 0 0 7617 0.91164 0.0266 0.06176 0 0 7618 0.76189 0.20691 0.0312 0 0 7619 0.78286 0.13423 0.08291 0 0 7620 0.7262 0.26541 0.00839 0 0 7621 0.46075 0.07893 0.46032 0 0 7622 0.62361 0.2419 0.13449 0 0 7623 0.97216 0.02784 0 0 0 7624 0.53809 0.46191 0 0 0 7625 0.86765 0.13235 0 0 0 7626 0.8703 0.1297 0 0 0 7627 0.80593 0.19407 0 0 0 7628 0.66677 0.33323 0 0 0 7629 0.98266 0.01734 0 0 0 7630 0.55726 0.44274 0 0 0 7631 0.93766 0.06234 0 0 0 7632 0 0.2376 0.7624 0 0 7633 0 0.9755 0.0245 0 0 7634 0 0.99846 0.00154 0 0 7635 0 0.01866 0.98134 0 0 7636 0 0.02714 0.97286 0 0 7637 0 0.61374 0.38626 0 0 7638 0 0.02169 0.97831 0 0 7639 0 0.0073 0.9927 0 0 7640 0 0.34736 0.65264 0 0 7641 0.84803 0.10209 0.04989 0 0 7642 0.85799 0.06356 0.07845 0 0 7643 0.97914 0.02078 0.00008 0 0 7644 0.70873 0.09694 0.19434 0 0 7645 0.89983 0.04632 0.05384 0 0 7646 0.88435 0.09125 0.0244 0 0 7647 0.32524 0.3749 0.29986 0 0 7648 0.89815 0.09564 0.00621 0 0 7649 0.81564 0.10269 0.08167 0 0 7650 0.37923 0.58904 0.03173 0 0 7651 0.63688 0.1432 0.21992 0 0 7652 0.67172 0.32035 0.00793 0 0 7653 0.37224 0.25424 0.37352 0 0 7654 0.65379 0.08544 0.26077 0 0 7655 0.65963 0.077 0.26337 0 0 7656 0.60775 0.12431 0.26794 0 0 7657 0.70377 0.03615 0.26008 0 0 7658 0.72729 0.04031 0.2324 0 0 7659 0.92785 0.07215 0 0 0 7660 0.98058 0.01942 0 0 0 7661 0.99827 0.00173 0 0 0 7662 0.93112 0.06888 0 0 0 7663 0.9881 0.0119 0 0 0 7664 0.9916 0.0084 0 0 0 7665 0.9562 0.0438 0 0 0 7666 0.98263 0.01737 0 0 0 7667 0.99306 0.00694 0 0 0 7668 0 0.18648 0.81352 0 0 7669 0 0.40099 0.59901 0 0 7670 0 0.94333 0.05667 0 0 7671 0 0.28171 0.71829 0 0 7672 0 0.00539 0.99461 0 0 7673 0 0.95587 0.04413 0 0 7674 0 0.01928 0.98072 0 0 7675 0 0.25438 0.74562 0 0 7676 0 0.05667 0.94333 0 0 7677 0.57395 0.39706 0.029 0 0 7678 0.51108 0.12174 0.36718 0 0 7679 0.91915 0.02849 0.05236 0 0 7680 0.9505 0.01502 0.03448 0 0 7681 0.85354 0.04075 0.10571 0 0 7682 0.9279 0.03244 0.03966 0 0 7683 0.64601 0.31257 0.04142 0 0 7684 0.73782 0.13236 0.12982 0 0 7685 0.82617 0.0938 0.08003 0 0 7686 0.37897 0.38836 0.23268 0 0 7687 0.39371 0.50981 0.09648 0 0 7688 0.20938 0.5806 0.21002 0 0 7689 0.25358 0.42027 0.32615 0 0 7690 0.77201 0.03937 0.18862 0 0 7691 0.27199 0.16854 0.55948 0 0 7692 0.69246 0.2028 0.10474 0 0 7693 0.24603 0.24396 0.51001 0 0 7694 0.39833 0.0328 0.56887 0 0 7695 0.97615 0.02385 0 0 0 7696 0.84094 0.15906 0 0 0 7697 0.75852 0.24148 0 0 0 7698 0.5823 0.4177 0 0 0 7699 0.68696 0.31304 0 0 0 7700 0.96409 0.03591 0 0 0 7701 0.56032 0.43968 0 0 0 7702 0.48635 0.51365 0 0 0 7703 0.88027 0.11973 0 0 0 7704 0 0.00045 0.99955 0 0 7705 0 0.74819 0.25181 0 0 7706 0 0.96473 0.03527 0 0 7707 0 0.04141 0.95859 0 0 7708 0 0.04444 0.95556 0 0 7709 0 0.93626 0.06374 0 0 7710 0 0.05708 0.94292 0 0 7711 0 0.01324 0.98676 0 0 7712 0 0.16742 0.83258 0 0 7713 0.7545 0.02628 0.21922 0 0 7714 0.78483 0.12505 0.09013 0 0 7715 0.9498 0.04867 0.00153 0 0 7716 0.59618 0.30018 0.10364 0 0 7717 0.9371 0.00559 0.05732 0 0 7718 0.69283 0.06197 0.2452 0 0 7719 0.84088 0.08209 0.07702 0 0 7720 0.81706 0.02766 0.15528 0 0 7721 0.86064 0.06301 0.07635 0 0 7722 0.73202 0.18097 0.087 0 0 7723 0.78549 0.06061 0.1539 0 0 7724 0.88299 0.0909 0.02611 0 0 7725 0.8334 0.03959 0.12702 0 0 7726 0.70531 0.17798 0.11671 0 0 7727 0.38237 0.61574 0.00189 0 0 7728 0.81213 0.08056 0.10731 0 0 7729 0.776 0.18233 0.04167 0 0 7730 0.91491 0.01595 0.06915 0 0 7731 0.99421 0.00579 0 0 0 7732 0.96018 0.03982 0 0 0 7733 0.97568 0.02432 0 0 0 7734 0.97091 0.02909 0 0 0 7735 0.9565 0.0435 0 0 0 7736 0.86587 0.13413 0 0 0 7737 0.91038 0.08962 0 0 0 7738 0.82451 0.17549 0 0 0 7739 0.84814 0.15186 0 0 0 7740 0 0.82537 0.17463 0 0 7741 0 0.87123 0.12877 0 0 7742 0 0.93717 0.06283 0 0 7743 0 0.04603 0.95397 0 0 7744 0 0.9563 0.0437 0 0 7745 0 0.78767 0.21233 0 0 7746 0 0.07584 0.92416 0 0 7747 0 0.57202 0.42798 0 0 7748 0 0.74416 0.25584 0 0 7749 0.44241 0.30134 0.25625 0 0 7750 0.16312 0.81713 0.01975 0 0 7751 0.98808 0.00699 0.00493 0 0 7752 0.37727 0.37693 0.2458 0 0 7753 0.15919 0.36009 0.48072 0 0 7754 0.63237 0.17941 0.18822 0 0 7755 0.07865 0.85525 0.0661 0 0 7756 0.75773 0.18196 0.06031 0 0 7757 0.43131 0.39414 0.17455 0 0 7758 0.40167 0.54706 0.05127 0 0 7759 0.11088 0.3087 0.58042 0 0 7760 0.66912 0.11855 0.21232 0 0 7761 0.04104 0.90896 0.05 0 0 7762 0.14254 0.15148 0.70598 0 0 7763 0.6181 0.27352 0.10838 0 0 7764 0.04897 0.79552 0.15551 0 0 7765 0.57235 0.36117 0.06648 0 0 7766 0.65257 0.13169 0.21573 0 0 7767 0.56109 0.43891 0 0 0 7768 0.99756 0.00244 0 0 0 7769 0.89587 0.10413 0 0 0 7770 0.81735 0.18265 0 0 0 7771 0.99118 0.00882 0 0 0 7772 0.92957 0.07043 0 0 0 7773 0.8973 0.1027 0 0 0 7774 0.1294 0.8706 0 0 0 7775 0.29558 0.70442 0 0 0 7776 0 0.90101 0.09899 0 0 7777 0 0.99439 0.00561 0 0 7778 0 0.66989 0.33011 0 0 7779 0 0.57296 0.42704 0 0 7780 0 0.02645 0.97355 0 0 7781 0 0.17488 0.82512 0 0 7782 0 0.01887 0.98113 0 0 7783 0 0.01115 0.98885 0 0 7784 0 0.25337 0.74663 0 0 7785 0.89597 0.04978 0.05425 0 0 7786 0.87545 0.09267 0.03187 0 0 7787 0.84322 0.10594 0.05084 0 0 7788 0.74773 0.10269 0.14958 0 0 7789 0.82651 0.06601 0.10748 0 0 7790 0.77719 0.06655 0.15627 0 0 7791 0.05987 0.22168 0.71845 0 0 7792 0.91754 0.03983 0.04263 0 0 7793 0.80991 0.0741 0.11598 0 0 7794 0.68828 0.14133 0.1704 0 0 7795 0.87296 0.0324 0.09464 0 0 7796 0.3942 0.40281 0.20299 0 0 7797 0.59891 0.23237 0.16873 0 0 7798 0.40226 0.47904 0.1187 0 0 7799 0.82213 0.03151 0.14636 0 0 7800 0.8806 0.08936 0.03004 0 0 7801 0.79119 0.07261 0.13619 0 0 7802 0.91087 0.02693 0.06219 0 0 7803 0.94586 0.05414 0 0 0 7804 0.99247 0.00753 0 0 0 7805 0.9773 0.0227 0 0 0 7806 0.67796 0.32204 0 0 0 7807 0.97394 0.02606 0 0 0 7808 0.99278 0.00722 0 0 0 7809 0.7009 0.2991 0 0 0 7810 0.91378 0.08622 0 0 0 7811 0.99101 0.00899 0 0 0 7848 0 0.29627 0.70373 0 0 7849 0 0.34829 0.65171 0 0 7850 0 0.97924 0.02076 0 0 7851 0 0.0859 0.9141 0 0 7852 0 0.01348 0.98652 0 0 7853 0 0.11705 0.88295 0 0 7854 0 0.00631 0.99369 0 0 7855 0 0.01034 0.98966 0 0 7856 0 0.51501 0.48499 0 0 7857 0.8774 0.07966 0.04294 0 0 7858 0.70203 0.09684 0.20113 0 0 7859 0.74894 0.19817 0.05289 0 0 7860 0.85027 0.07459 0.07513 0 0 7861 0.88825 0.05024 0.06151 0 0 7862 0.67254 0.03309 0.29437 0 0 7863 0.70601 0.26584 0.02816 0 0 7864 0.79183 0.03767 0.1705 0 0 7865 0.86203 0.07995 0.05802 0 0 7866 0.97327 0.01995 0.00678 0 0 7867 0.8559 0.02507 0.11903 0 0 7868 0.32505 0.03303 0.64192 0 0 7869 0.92035 0.05683 0.02281 0 0 7870 0.83019 0.01032 0.15949 0 0 7871 0.82139 0.01596 0.16264 0 0 7872 0.83122 0.11956 0.04922 0 0 7873 0.79325 0.04161 0.16514 0 0 7874 0.85986 0.07453 0.06561 0 0 7875 0.98158 0.01842 0 0 0 7876 0.97242 0.02758 0 0 0 7877 0.99331 0.00669 0 0 0 7878 0.99816 0.00184 0 0 0 7879 0.98703 0.01297 0 0 0 7880 0.97056 0.02944 0 0 0 7881 0.89762 0.10238 0 0 0 7882 0.98561 0.01439 0 0 0 7883 0.87732 0.12268 0 0 0 7884 0 0.10824 0.89176 0 0 7885 0 0.84173 0.15827 0 0 7886 0 0.77401 0.22599 0 0 7887 0 0.00934 0.99066 0 0 7888 0 0.97841 0.02159 0 0 7889 0 0.4464 0.5536 0 0 7890 0 0.05225 0.94775 0 0 7891 0 0.22828 0.77172 0 0 7892 0 0.75972 0.24028 0 0 7893 0.65341 0.1769 0.16969 0 0 7894 0.82242 0.14184 0.03573 0 0 7895 0.88002 0.10158 0.0184 0 0 7896 0.01982 0.79114 0.18904 0 0 7897 0.86063 0.0089 0.13047 0 0 7898 0.88416 0.10856 0.00728 0 0 7899 0.81818 0.04216 0.13966 0 0 7900 0.88396 0.02816 0.08788 0 0 7901 0.83179 0.0554 0.11281 0 0 7902 0.56595 0.24269 0.19136 0 0 7903 0.33668 0.51028 0.15303 0 0 7904 0.28285 0.57938 0.13777 0 0 7905 0.61255 0.37968 0.00777 0 0 7906 0.58695 0.25064 0.16241 0 0 7907 0.89348 0.05783 0.04869 0 0 7908 0.81321 0.07703 0.10976 0 0 7909 0.95206 0.00775 0.04019 0 0 7910 0.37175 0.02539 0.60285 0 0 7911 0.96907 0.03093 0 0 0 7912 0.79689 0.20311 0 0 0 7913 0.89793 0.10207 0 0 0 7914 0.84752 0.15248 0 0 0 7915 0.94887 0.05113 0 0 0 7916 0.79769 0.20231 0 0 0 7917 0.95693 0.04307 0 0 0 7918 0.53 0.47 0 0 0 7919 0.94869 0.05131 0 0 0 7920 0 0.04942 0.95058 0 0 7921 0 0.98307 0.01693 0 0 7922 0 0.94812 0.05188 0 0 7923 0 0.00218 0.99782 0 0 7924 0 0.5199 0.4801 0 0 7925 0 0.65025 0.34975 0 0 7926 0 0.0994 0.9006 0 0 7927 0 0.01963 0.98037 0 0 7928 0 0.27127 0.72873 0 0 7929 0.56525 0.37227 0.06248 0 0 7930 0.83125 0.02195 0.1468 0 0 7931 0.84065 0.09423 0.06512 0 0 7932 0.11545 0.19496 0.68959 0 0 7933 0.87112 0.01749 0.11138 0 0 7934 0.71557 0.2463 0.03813 0 0 7935 0.15348 0.23611 0.61042 0 0 7936 0.91972 0.03034 0.04993 0 0 7937 0.70542 0.28451 0.01007 0 0 7938 0.40236 0.48241 0.11523 0 0 7939 0.30076 0.45709 0.24214 0 0 7940 0.48067 0.51137 0.00796 0 0 7941 0.45613 0.03234 0.51153 0 0 7942 0.48511 0.25219 0.2627 0 0 7943 0.77776 0.17686 0.04538 0 0 7944 0.46838 0.06694 0.46467 0 0 7945 0.20866 0.28113 0.51021 0 0 7946 0.8752 0.07338 0.05142 0 0 7947 0.86485 0.13515 0 0 0 7948 0.84786 0.15214 0 0 0 7949 0.98133 0.01867 0 0 0 7950 0.94586 0.05414 0 0 0 7951 0.98009 0.01991 0 0 0 7952 0.94815 0.05185 0 0 0 7953 0.99211 0.00789 0 0 0 7954 0.98815 0.01185 0 0 0 7955 0.92727 0.07273 0 0 0 7956 0 0.16013 0.83987 0 0 7957 0 0.99994 0.00006 0 0 7958 0 0.72469 0.27531 0 0 7959 0 0.00027 0.99973 0 0 7960 0 0.47507 0.52493 0 0 7961 0 0.99001 0.00999 0 0 7962 0 0.15383 0.84617 0 0 7963 0 0.24991 0.75009 0 0 7964 0 0.98999 0.01001 0 0 7965 0.72966 0.20346 0.06687 0 0 7966 0.76928 0.21095 0.01977 0 0 7967 0.81717 0.16717 0.01565 0 0 7968 0.50843 0.31342 0.17815 0 0 7969 0.64679 0.08435 0.26886 0 0 7970 0.76449 0.1872 0.04831 0 0 7971 0.76945 0.1721 0.05846 0 0 7972 0.37774 0.0323 0.58996 0 0 7973 0.90745 0.05335 0.0392 0 0 7974 0.1856 0.67355 0.14085 0 0 7975 0.44281 0.16577 0.39142 0 0 7976 0.77148 0.01681 0.21172 0 0 7977 0.83408 0.0223 0.14362 0 0 7978 0.70297 0.24422 0.05281 0 0 7979 0.05195 0.89495 0.0531 0 0 7980 0.73585 0.19593 0.06822 0 0 7981 0.17977 0.03696 0.78326 0 0 7982 0.54335 0.20909 0.24757 0 0 7983 0.93255 0.06745 0 0 0 7984 0.64403 0.35597 0 0 0 7985 0.90076 0.09924 0 0 0 7986 0.93498 0.06502 0 0 0 7987 0.88483 0.11517 0 0 0 7988 0.63055 0.36945 0 0 0 7989 0.34369 0.65631 0 0 0 7990 0.67225 0.32775 0 0 0 7991 0.66347 0.33653 0 0 0 7992 0 0.02896 0.97104 0 0 7993 0 0.8752 0.1248 0 0 7994 0 0.99219 0.00781 0 0 7995 0 0.00095 0.99905 0 0 7996 0 0.01996 0.98004 0 0 7997 0 0.73175 0.26825 0 0 7998 0 0.02671 0.97329 0 0 7999 0 0.0287 0.9713 0 0 8000 0 0.23963 0.76037 0 0 8001 0.28447 0.32613 0.3894 0 0 8002 0.84499 0.1366 0.01841 0 0 8003 0.76567 0.15286 0.08147 0 0 8004 0.57127 0.3443 0.08443 0 0 8005 0.83022 0.01338 0.1564 0 0 8006 0.89946 0.0693 0.03124 0 0 8007 0.52119 0.19486 0.28395 0 0 8008 0.5439 0.11205 0.34406 0 0 8009 0.78909 0.16557 0.04534 0 0 8010 0.03585 0.08914 0.87501 0 0 8011 0.54178 0.22787 0.23035 0 0 8012 0.49008 0.32868 0.18123 0 0 8013 0.08455 0.00743 0.90803 0 0 8014 0.77746 0.1456 0.07694 0 0 8015 0.53977 0.41495 0.04528 0 0 8016 0.85082 0.04289 0.10629 0 0 8017 0.64289 0.34966 0.00745 0 0 8018 0.80094 0.11436 0.0847 0 0 8019 0.96075 0.03925 0 0 0 8020 0.96717 0.03283 0 0 0 8021 0.99153 0.00847 0 0 0 8022 0.9765 0.0235 0 0 0 8023 0.99588 0.00412 0 0 0 8024 0.95022 0.04978 0 0 0 8025 0.70636 0.29364 0 0 0 8026 0.64832 0.35168 0 0 0 8027 0.95018 0.04982 0 0 0 8028 0 0.01861 0.98139 0 0 8029 0 0.82724 0.17276 0 0 8030 0 0.69004 0.30996 0 0 8031 0 0.0321 0.9679 0 0 8032 0 0.92553 0.07447 0 0 8033 0 0.96655 0.03345 0 0 8034 0 0.05528 0.94472 0 0 8035 0 0.10892 0.89108 0 0 8036 0 0.06996 0.93004 0 0 8037 0.37066 0.00668 0.62266 0 0 8038 0.68739 0.15966 0.15296 0 0 8039 0.70912 0.26423 0.02665 0 0 8040 0.30359 0.20775 0.48865 0 0 8041 0.6631 0.11568 0.22122 0 0 8042 0.77943 0.16933 0.05124 0 0 8043 0.03012 0.64218 0.3277 0 0 8044 0.67706 0.27375 0.04919 0 0 8045 0.61567 0.21922 0.16512 0 0 8046 0.20517 0.71002 0.08481 0 0 8047 0.34566 0.30554 0.3488 0 0 8048 0.65163 0.18019 0.16818 0 0 8049 0.71508 0.19387 0.09105 0 0 8050 0.32768 0.47132 0.201 0 0 8051 0.22429 0.52958 0.24613 0 0 8052 0.27807 0.29062 0.43131 0 0 8053 0.69512 0.16859 0.13629 0 0 8054 0.45212 0.47449 0.07339 0 0 8055 0.96607 0.03393 0 0 0 8056 0.72227 0.27773 0 0 0 8057 0.25094 0.74906 0 0 0 8058 0.72434 0.27566 0 0 0 8059 0.9753 0.0247 0 0 0 8060 0.99422 0.00578 0 0 0 8061 0.02978 0.97022 0 0 0 8062 0.35409 0.64591 0 0 0 8063 0.54622 0.45378 0 0 0 8064 0 0.91429 0.08571 0 0 8065 0 0.96868 0.03132 0 0 8066 0 0.86803 0.13197 0 0 8067 0 0.02507 0.97493 0 0 8068 0 0.74861 0.25139 0 0 8069 0 0.83395 0.16605 0 0 8070 0 0.09085 0.90915 0 0 8071 0 0.01038 0.98962 0 0 8072 0 0.98937 0.01063 0 0 8073 0.92894 0.00523 0.06583 0 0 8074 0.85916 0.1143 0.02655 0 0 8075 0.91214 0.00246 0.08539 0 0 8076 0.5441 0.43322 0.02268 0 0 8077 0.86263 0.09307 0.0443 0 0 8078 0.71911 0.25305 0.02784 0 0 8079 0.7409 0.00116 0.25794 0 0 8080 0.75409 0.23367 0.01223 0 0 8081 0.89814 0.08423 0.01764 0 0 8082 0.38983 0.39407 0.21609 0 0 8083 0.65779 0.28044 0.06177 0 0 8084 0.79311 0.06656 0.14034 0 0 8085 0.78806 0.09592 0.11602 0 0 8086 0.93185 0.00937 0.05878 0 0 8087 0.75408 0.18844 0.05748 0 0 8088 0.75306 0.17043 0.07651 0 0 8089 0.6348 0.22126 0.14394 0 0 8090 0.88965 0.10979 0.00055 0 0 8091 0.94641 0.05359 0 0 0 8092 0.89375 0.10625 0 0 0 8093 0.93028 0.06972 0 0 0 8094 0.93879 0.06121 0 0 0 8095 0.96048 0.03952 0 0 0 8096 0.98621 0.01379 0 0 0 8097 0.91685 0.08315 0 0 0 8098 0.99515 0.00485 0 0 0 8099 0.82928 0.17072 0 0 0 8136 0 0.60136 0.39864 0 0 8137 0 0.95981 0.04019 0 0 8138 0 0.84749 0.15251 0 0 8139 0 0.14662 0.85338 0 0 8140 0 0.02209 0.97791 0 0 8141 0 0.73251 0.26749 0 0 8142 0 0.00644 0.99356 0 0 8143 0 0.00908 0.99092 0 0 8144 0 0.59618 0.40382 0 0 8145 0.81737 0.0406 0.14204 0 0 8146 0.82807 0.05367 0.11827 0 0 8147 0.88275 0.05603 0.06122 0 0 8148 0.95824 0.02897 0.01279 0 0 8149 0.6882 0.0003 0.3115 0 0 8150 0.88701 0.06892 0.04407 0 0 8151 0.92169 0.07601 0.0023 0 0 8152 0.89471 0.0094 0.09588 0 0 8153 0.94853 0.03267 0.0188 0 0 8154 0.81933 0.07705 0.10361 0 0 8155 0.31575 0.43147 0.25278 0 0 8156 0.27657 0.22148 0.50195 0 0 8157 0.87969 0.02057 0.09974 0 0 8158 0.50738 0.01352 0.4791 0 0 8159 0.83629 0.06825 0.09546 0 0 8160 0.88399 0.11134 0.00467 0 0 8161 0.82429 0.03928 0.13643 0 0 8162 0.89443 0.09039 0.01519 0 0 8163 0.99628 0.00372 0 0 0 8164 0.97931 0.02069 0 0 0 8165 0.60818 0.39182 0 0 0 8166 0.9697 0.0303 0 0 0 8167 0.98751 0.01249 0 0 0 8168 0.98577 0.01423 0 0 0 8169 0.9505 0.0495 0 0 0 8170 0.93457 0.06543 0 0 0 8171 0.45217 0.54783 0 0 0 8172 0 0.08236 0.91764 0 0 8173 0 0.77181 0.22819 0 0 8174 0 0.80195 0.19805 0 0 8175 0 0.08632 0.91368 0 0 8176 0 0.34541 0.65459 0 0 8177 0 0.67079 0.32921 0 0 8178 0 0.69315 0.30685 0 0 8179 0 0.30528 0.69472 0 0 8180 0 0.93405 0.06595 0 0 8181 0.66467 0.2328 0.10254 0 0 8182 0.57928 0.38734 0.03338 0 0 8183 0.84479 0.07897 0.07624 0 0 8184 0.95109 0.03631 0.01259 0 0 8185 0.78279 0.16262 0.05459 0 0 8186 0.80262 0.01801 0.17937 0 0 8187 0.8401 0.13309 0.02682 0 0 8188 0.78126 0.07575 0.14298 0 0 8189 0.80963 0.11129 0.07907 0 0 8190 0.40145 0.46853 0.13002 0 0 8191 0.74913 0.10681 0.14406 0 0 8192 0.80639 0.06267 0.13094 0 0 8193 0.70753 0.26842 0.02405 0 0 8194 0.9047 0.03503 0.06027 0 0 8195 0.85282 0.07547 0.07171 0 0 8196 0.40832 0.04783 0.54385 0 0 8197 0.60293 0.17545 0.22162 0 0 8198 0.3101 0.28241 0.4075 0 0 8199 0.29143 0.70857 0 0 0 8200 0.63601 0.36399 0 0 0 8201 0.96975 0.03025 0 0 0 8202 0.80495 0.19505 0 0 0 8203 0.56107 0.43893 0 0 0 8204 0.92165 0.07835 0 0 0 8205 0.60853 0.39147 0 0 0 8206 0.66121 0.33879 0 0 0 8207 0.93135 0.06865 0 0 0 8208 0 0.29071 0.70929 0 0 8209 0 0.31269 0.68731 0 0 8210 0 0.77221 0.22779 0 0 8211 0 0.00306 0.99694 0 0 8212 0 0.00211 0.99789 0 0 8213 0 0.95157 0.04843 0 0 8214 0 0.00422 0.99578 0 0 8215 0 0.03346 0.96654 0 0 8216 0 0.93048 0.06952 0 0 8217 0.90459 0.03246 0.06294 0 0 8218 0.77189 0.16571 0.0624 0 0 8219 0.91802 0.00945 0.07254 0 0 8220 0.16705 0.00234 0.8306 0 0 8221 0.913 0.06552 0.02148 0 0 8222 0.85975 0.04797 0.09228 0 0 8223 0.85798 0.04522 0.0968 0 0 8224 0.94892 0.03484 0.01624 0 0 8225 0.32261 0.63554 0.04185 0 0 8226 0.20649 0.34798 0.44552 0 0 8227 0.66784 0.3004 0.03176 0 0 8228 0.80894 0.13049 0.06057 0 0 8229 0.59612 0.05357 0.35031 0 0 8230 0.81622 0.05681 0.12696 0 0 8231 0.88913 0.09862 0.01224 0 0 8232 0.66251 0.21022 0.12726 0 0 8233 0.84659 0.08851 0.0649 0 0 8234 0.84869 0.13399 0.01733 0 0 8235 0.90558 0.09442 0 0 0 8236 0.96449 0.03551 0 0 0 8237 0.98547 0.01453 0 0 0 8238 0.99366 0.00634 0 0 0 8239 0.94474 0.05526 0 0 0 8240 0.9195 0.0805 0 0 0 8241 0.97161 0.02839 0 0 0 8242 0.95528 0.04472 0 0 0 8243 0.985 0.015 0 0 0 8244 0 0.29559 0.70441 0 0 8245 0 0.84822 0.15178 0 0 8246 0 0.75345 0.24655 0 0 8247 0 0.08004 0.91996 0 0 8248 0 0.90389 0.09611 0 0 8249 0 0.60715 0.39285 0 0 8250 0 0.24832 0.75168 0 0 8251 0 0.01693 0.98307 0 0 8252 0 0.8122 0.1878 0 0 8253 0.57396 0.37591 0.05013 0 0 8254 0.75105 0.08776 0.16119 0 0 8255 0.89514 0.08414 0.02072 0 0 8256 0.19103 0.75423 0.05475 0 0 8257 0.77035 0.20536 0.02429 0 0 8258 0.91563 0.05592 0.02845 0 0 8259 0.00864 0.98295 0.00841 0 0 8260 0.39004 0.29202 0.31794 0 0 8261 0.03356 0.88209 0.08435 0 0 8262 0.8455 0.07228 0.08223 0 0 8263 0.70163 0.05972 0.23865 0 0 8264 0.39781 0.46709 0.1351 0 0 8265 0.41293 0.53056 0.0565 0 0 8266 0.7001 0.1226 0.1773 0 0 8267 0.74116 0.09962 0.15922 0 0 8268 0.0287 0.71771 0.2536 0 0 8269 0.763 0.17564 0.06136 0 0 8270 0.48983 0.42704 0.08313 0 0 8271 0.67164 0.32836 0 0 0 8272 0.9083 0.0917 0 0 0 8273 0.60282 0.39718 0 0 0 8274 0.68594 0.31406 0 0 0 8275 0.51275 0.48725 0 0 0 8276 0.94144 0.05856 0 0 0 8277 0.95687 0.04313 0 0 0 8278 0.5315 0.4685 0 0 0 8279 0.90525 0.09475 0 0 0 8280 0 0.34654 0.65346 0 0 8281 0 0.82715 0.17285 0 0 8282 0 0.98314 0.01686 0 0 8283 0 0.02193 0.97807 0 0 8284 0 0.05706 0.94294 0 0 8285 0 0.86471 0.13529 0 0 8286 0 0.08664 0.91336 0 0 8287 0 0.03876 0.96124 0 0 8288 0 0.93335 0.06665 0 0 8289 0.51809 0.01109 0.47082 0 0 8290 0.88814 0.0579 0.05396 0 0 8291 0.40914 0.56832 0.02254 0 0 8292 0.78564 0.06471 0.14965 0 0 8293 0.75543 0.12007 0.1245 0 0 8294 0.92772 0.01689 0.05539 0 0 8295 0.37637 0.30174 0.32189 0 0 8296 0.70821 0.14724 0.14455 0 0 8297 0.4098 0.51101 0.07919 0 0 8298 0.07883 0.22808 0.69309 0 0 8299 0.83604 0.16388 0.00007 0 0 8300 0.75164 0.12366 0.12471 0 0 8301 0.54953 0.29237 0.1581 0 0 8302 0.59466 0.19747 0.20786 0 0 8303 0.1872 0.51693 0.29587 0 0 8304 0.54802 0.41734 0.03464 0 0 8305 0.75538 0.18273 0.06189 0 0 8306 0.10741 0.87159 0.021 0 0 8307 0.95382 0.04618 0 0 0 8308 0.95045 0.04955 0 0 0 8309 0.85773 0.14227 0 0 0 8310 0.91338 0.08662 0 0 0 8311 0.98776 0.01224 0 0 0 8312 0.84936 0.15064 0 0 0 8313 0.64044 0.35956 0 0 0 8314 0.91108 0.08892 0 0 0 8315 0.79066 0.20934 0 0 0 8316 0 0.1869 0.8131 0 0 8317 0 0.94796 0.05204 0 0 8318 0 0.916 0.084 0 0 8319 0 0.30265 0.69735 0 0 8320 0 0.05252 0.94748 0 0 8321 0 0.69423 0.30577 0 0 8322 0 0.13284 0.86716 0 0 8323 0 0.10568 0.89432 0 0 8324 0 0.58978 0.41022 0 0 8325 0.60695 0.09028 0.30277 0 0 8326 0.83667 0.14648 0.01686 0 0 8327 0.75375 0.1816 0.06464 0 0 8328 0.3164 0.20502 0.47858 0 0 8329 0.42126 0.45034 0.1284 0 0 8330 0.42902 0.53194 0.03904 0 0 8331 0.96732 0.03261 0.00007 0 0 8332 0.84199 0.10491 0.05311 0 0 8333 0.734 0.10082 0.16518 0 0 8334 0.9663 0.00993 0.02377 0 0 8335 0.48569 0.09118 0.42313 0 0 8336 0.06725 0.78686 0.14589 0 0 8337 0.66472 0.26189 0.07339 0 0 8338 0.9376 0.04307 0.01934 0 0 8339 0.85889 0.02426 0.11685 0 0 8340 0.18053 0.39641 0.42306 0 0 8341 0.60619 0.10156 0.29225 0 0 8342 0.56429 0.00864 0.42708 0 0 8343 0.99631 0.00369 0 0 0 8344 0.93192 0.06808 0 0 0 8345 0.482 0.518 0 0 0 8346 0.54863 0.45137 0 0 0 8347 0.93582 0.06418 0 0 0 8348 0.85652 0.14348 0 0 0 8349 0.52729 0.47271 0 0 0 8350 0.65032 0.34968 0 0 0 8351 0.90556 0.09444 0 0 0 8352 0 0.95093 0.04907 0 0 8353 0 0.92806 0.07194 0 0 8354 0 0.8866 0.1134 0 0 8355 0 0.98089 0.01911 0 0 8356 0 0.8977 0.1023 0 0 8357 0 0.88397 0.11603 0 0 8358 0 0.25617 0.74383 0 0 8359 0 0.90269 0.09731 0 0 8360 0 0.98936 0.01064 0 0 8361 0.79352 0.14534 0.06114 0 0 8362 0.75946 0.20399 0.03655 0 0 8363 0.81025 0.03329 0.15646 0 0 8364 0.70069 0.23075 0.06855 0 0 8365 0.75403 0.01568 0.23029 0 0 8366 0.91338 0.04188 0.04474 0 0 8367 0.42218 0.46232 0.1155 0 0 8368 0.78875 0.20503 0.00622 0 0 8369 0.5023 0.47907 0.01864 0 0 8370 0.66901 0.32192 0.00906 0 0 8371 0.68169 0.23982 0.0785 0 0 8372 0.40648 0.2379 0.35562 0 0 8373 0.64865 0.33941 0.01194 0 0 8374 0.85171 0.14798 0.00032 0 0 8375 0.69285 0.11511 0.19204 0 0 8376 0.70911 0.2259 0.06499 0 0 8377 0.96404 0.02064 0.01532 0 0 8378 0.60578 0.06365 0.33057 0 0 8379 0.89529 0.10471 0 0 0 8380 0.97209 0.02791 0 0 0 8381 0.93549 0.06451 0 0 0 8382 0.49209 0.50791 0 0 0 8383 0.8446 0.1554 0 0 0 8384 0.94019 0.05981 0 0 0 8385 0.76318 0.23682 0 0 0 8386 0.94775 0.05225 0 0 0 8387 0.15368 0.84632 0 0 0 8424 0 0.30304 0.69696 0 0 8425 0 0.94074 0.05926 0 0 8426 0 0.80412 0.19588 0 0 8427 0 0.60486 0.39514 0 0 8428 0 0.98663 0.01337 0 0 8429 0 0.98785 0.01215 0 0 8430 0 0.45976 0.54024 0 0 8431 0 0.92604 0.07396 0 0 8432 0 0.75633 0.24367 0 0 8433 0.96474 0.02766 0.00761 0 0 8434 0.78013 0.08524 0.13463 0 0 8435 0.77775 0.15222 0.07003 0 0 8436 0.80157 0.13763 0.0608 0 0 8437 0.60344 0.36433 0.03224 0 0 8438 0.91977 0.06989 0.01033 0 0 8439 0.48447 0.50156 0.01397 0 0 8440 0.75424 0.22604 0.01971 0 0 8441 0.16529 0.82666 0.00805 0 0 8442 0.83172 0.15622 0.01206 0 0 8443 0.72138 0.0351 0.24352 0 0 8444 0.843 0.08518 0.07182 0 0 8445 0.85661 0.13894 0.00446 0 0 8446 0.19691 0.41336 0.38973 0 0 8447 0.52216 0.28481 0.19304 0 0 8448 0.74445 0.21578 0.03977 0 0 8449 0.84297 0.11275 0.04428 0 0 8450 0.71792 0.25474 0.02735 0 0 8451 0.95771 0.04229 0 0 0 8452 0.98767 0.01233 0 0 0 8453 0.92868 0.07132 0 0 0 8454 0.87138 0.12862 0 0 0 8455 0.97054 0.02946 0 0 0 8456 0.90945 0.09055 0 0 0 8457 0.96589 0.03411 0 0 0 8458 0.99137 0.00863 0 0 0 8459 0.60958 0.39042 0 0 0 8460 0 0.05551 0.94449 0 0 8461 0 0.97748 0.02252 0 0 8462 0 0.90479 0.09521 0 0 8463 0 0.05225 0.94775 0 0 8464 0 0.99893 0.00107 0 0 8465 0 0.99427 0.00573 0 0 8466 0 0.38742 0.61258 0 0 8467 0 0.95262 0.04738 0 0 8468 0 0.6895 0.3105 0 0 8469 0.80605 0.10638 0.08757 0 0 8470 0.89609 0.02109 0.08282 0 0 8471 0.76745 0.17352 0.05902 0 0 8472 0.47048 0.50922 0.0203 0 0 8473 0.45441 0.47514 0.07045 0 0 8474 0.46297 0.49057 0.04645 0 0 8475 0.69627 0.11872 0.18501 0 0 8476 0.7984 0.10265 0.09895 0 0 8477 0.09199 0.85296 0.05505 0 0 8478 0.34714 0.59431 0.05855 0 0 8479 0.37569 0.59237 0.03195 0 0 8480 0.53436 0.18746 0.27818 0 0 8481 0.53833 0.40758 0.05409 0 0 8482 0.80219 0.03222 0.1656 0 0 8483 0.27472 0.2655 0.45977 0 0 8484 0.06775 0.62159 0.31066 0 0 8485 0.64353 0.06267 0.29381 0 0 8486 0.02921 0.95165 0.01915 0 0 8487 0.70381 0.29619 0 0 0 8488 0.56347 0.43653 0 0 0 8489 0.76384 0.23616 0 0 0 8490 0.23826 0.76174 0 0 0 8491 0.31909 0.68091 0 0 0 8492 0.98947 0.01053 0 0 0 8493 0.88498 0.11502 0 0 0 8494 0.45479 0.54521 0 0 0 8495 0.75997 0.24003 0 0 0 8496 0 0.12681 0.87319 0 0 8497 0 0.90049 0.09951 0 0 8498 0 0.96088 0.03912 0 0 8499 0 0.07541 0.92459 0 0 8500 0 0.8242 0.1758 0 0 8501 0 0.99364 0.00636 0 0 8502 0 0.16179 0.83821 0 0 8503 0 0.92727 0.07273 0 0 8504 0 0.62649 0.37351 0 0 8505 0.75734 0.21934 0.02332 0 0 8506 0.87869 0.01307 0.10824 0 0 8507 0.9468 0.01836 0.03483 0 0 8508 0.75676 0.15156 0.09168 0 0 8509 0.57533 0.18273 0.24195 0 0 8510 0.71641 0.26712 0.01647 0 0 8511 0.58078 0.30349 0.11574 0 0 8512 0.52501 0.43181 0.04319 0 0 8513 0.00813 0.91884 0.07303 0 0 8514 0.56883 0.29463 0.13654 0 0 8515 0.40436 0.42364 0.17201 0 0 8516 0.31423 0.54835 0.13742 0 0 8517 0.69199 0.136 0.17201 0 0 8518 0.73185 0.12123 0.14692 0 0 8519 0.84523 0.14797 0.0068 0 0 8520 0.23506 0.42026 0.34468 0 0 8521 0.48218 0.41116 0.10666 0 0 8522 0.62095 0.27185 0.1072 0 0 8523 0.82451 0.17549 0 0 0 8524 0.99273 0.00727 0 0 0 8525 0.97317 0.02683 0 0 0 8526 0.99743 0.00257 0 0 0 8527 0.89667 0.10333 0 0 0 8528 0.8525 0.1475 0 0 0 8529 0.98645 0.01355 0 0 0 8530 0.98577 0.01423 0 0 0 8531 0.98306 0.01694 0 0 0 8532 0 0.28013 0.71987 0 0 8533 0 0.97675 0.02325 0 0 8534 0 0.97285 0.02715 0 0 8535 0 0.02502 0.97498 0 0 8536 0 0.58594 0.41406 0 0 8537 0 0.62182 0.37818 0 0 8538 0 0.31484 0.68516 0 0 8539 0 0.67053 0.32947 0 0 8540 0 0.84529 0.15471 0 0 8541 0.84182 0.09529 0.06289 0 0 8542 0.75934 0.21796 0.0227 0 0 8543 0.799 0.06665 0.13435 0 0 8544 0.31468 0.62491 0.06041 0 0 8545 0.804 0.0738 0.12219 0 0 8546 0.97571 0.01472 0.00957 0 0 8547 0.10169 0.52102 0.37728 0 0 8548 0.32581 0.5498 0.12439 0 0 8549 0.20095 0.76001 0.03904 0 0 8550 0.81879 0.15294 0.02827 0 0 8551 0.29654 0.21408 0.48939 0 0 8552 0.56462 0.32356 0.11183 0 0 8553 0.82778 0.07226 0.09996 0 0 8554 0.60523 0.18541 0.20936 0 0 8555 0.85314 0.08506 0.0618 0 0 8556 0.21401 0.574 0.21199 0 0 8557 0.10179 0.35849 0.53972 0 0 8558 0.65395 0.29209 0.05396 0 0 8559 0.37019 0.62981 0 0 0 8560 0.88236 0.11764 0 0 0 8561 0.9109 0.0891 0 0 0 8562 0.24984 0.75016 0 0 0 8563 0.44716 0.55284 0 0 0 8564 0.2222 0.7778 0 0 0 8565 0.00224 0.99776 0 0 0 8566 0.79549 0.20451 0 0 0 8567 0.61345 0.38655 0 0 0 8568 0 0.32812 0.67188 0 0 8569 0 0.79773 0.20227 0 0 8570 0 0.97525 0.02475 0 0 8571 0 0.00243 0.99757 0 0 8572 0 0.54041 0.45959 0 0 8573 0 0.95358 0.04642 0 0 8574 0 0.1192 0.8808 0 0 8575 0 0.64995 0.35005 0 0 8576 0 0.00025 0.99975 0 0 8577 0.32254 0.0321 0.64536 0 0 8578 0.60252 0.36975 0.02773 0 0 8579 0.82163 0.01952 0.15885 0 0 8580 0.762 0.21483 0.02317 0 0 8581 0.56341 0.28875 0.14784 0 0 8582 0.89399 0.05307 0.05294 0 0 8583 0.8654 0.05301 0.08159 0 0 8584 0.81398 0.13215 0.05387 0 0 8585 0.05012 0.91054 0.03934 0 0 8586 0.84486 0.04724 0.1079 0 0 8587 0.76544 0.22121 0.01335 0 0 8588 0.38465 0.59763 0.01772 0 0 8589 0.28624 0.21888 0.49488 0 0 8590 0.58101 0.36216 0.05683 0 0 8591 0.24519 0.61757 0.13723 0 0 8592 0.74002 0.11793 0.14205 0 0 8593 0.79133 0.18641 0.02226 0 0 8594 0.48271 0.12085 0.39644 0 0 8595 0.99765 0.00235 0 0 0 8596 0.87699 0.12301 0 0 0 8597 0.99797 0.00203 0 0 0 8598 0.99134 0.00866 0 0 0 8599 0.95326 0.04674 0 0 0 8600 0.80678 0.19322 0 0 0 8601 0.89783 0.10217 0 0 0 8602 0.58204 0.41796 0 0 0 8603 0.44498 0.55502 0 0 0 8604 0 0.42568 0.57432 0 0 8605 0 0.99908 0.00092 0 0 8606 0 0.98478 0.01522 0 0 8607 0 0.01534 0.98466 0 0 8608 0 0.80107 0.19893 0 0 8609 0 0.8942 0.1058 0 0 8610 0 0.79465 0.20535 0 0 8611 0 0.66456 0.33544 0 0 8612 0 0.44094 0.55906 0 0 8613 0.36642 0.05863 0.57496 0 0 8614 0.76942 0.2227 0.00788 0 0 8615 0.80195 0.19191 0.00614 0 0 8616 0.5454 0.43773 0.01688 0 0 8617 0.51229 0.41635 0.07137 0 0 8618 0.37605 0.56148 0.06247 0 0 8619 0.16009 0.55479 0.28512 0 0 8620 0.00275 0.83517 0.16208 0 0 8621 0.07699 0.58687 0.33614 0 0 8622 0.84835 0.1326 0.01905 0 0 8623 0.38028 0.51283 0.10689 0 0 8624 0.67794 0.30508 0.01698 0 0 8625 0.79098 0.13416 0.07486 0 0 8626 0.54194 0.37381 0.08425 0 0 8627 0.00253 0.71498 0.28249 0 0 8628 0.41305 0.00878 0.57817 0 0 8629 0.21292 0.12122 0.66586 0 0 8630 0.21979 0.58915 0.19106 0 0 8631 0.88719 0.11281 0 0 0 8632 0.63216 0.36784 0 0 0 8633 0.83879 0.16121 0 0 0 8634 0.80687 0.19313 0 0 0 8635 0.9959 0.0041 0 0 0 8636 0.17085 0.82915 0 0 0 8637 0.81023 0.18977 0 0 0 8638 0.07419 0.92581 0 0 0 8639 0.33433 0.66567 0 0 0 8928 0 0.85469 0.14531 0 0 8929 0 0.42835 0.57165 0 0 8930 0 0.15849 0.84151 0 0 8931 0 0.96929 0.03071 0 0 8932 0 0.00382 0.99618 0 0 8933 0 0.24001 0.75999 0 0 8934 0 0.80999 0.19001 0 0 8935 0 0.15349 0.84651 0 0 8936 0 0.02184 0.97816 0 0 8937 0.7463 0.2168 0.0369 0 0 8938 0.88615 0.04226 0.07159 0 0 8939 0.45643 0.45151 0.09207 0 0 8940 0.95101 0.00231 0.04668 0 0 8941 0.58394 0.34934 0.06672 0 0 8942 0.15403 0.78025 0.06572 0 0 8943 0.82602 0.01711 0.15687 0 0 8944 0.27169 0.68292 0.04539 0 0 8945 0.08065 0.83057 0.08877 0 0 8946 0.20007 0.57052 0.22942 0 0 8947 0.92825 0.02679 0.04496 0 0 8948 0.4115 0.14186 0.44665 0 0 8949 0.64423 0.27044 0.08533 0 0 8950 0.59598 0.33096 0.07306 0 0 8951 0.50817 0.40267 0.08916 0 0 8952 0.69594 0.09827 0.20579 0 0 8953 0.36909 0.40151 0.22941 0 0 8954 0.33138 0.64931 0.01932 0 0 8955 0.86093 0.13907 0 0 0 8956 0.96756 0.03244 0 0 0 8957 0.9906 0.0094 0 0 0 8958 0.9295 0.0705 0 0 0 8959 0.81265 0.18735 0 0 0 8960 0.84438 0.15562 0 0 0 8961 0.65098 0.34902 0 0 0 8962 0.86048 0.13952 0 0 0 8963 0.66673 0.33327 0 0 0 9000 0 0.98567 0.01433 0 0 9001 0 0.95977 0.04023 0 0 9002 0 0.37972 0.62028 0 0 9003 0 0.92296 0.07704 0 0 9004 0 0.12548 0.87452 0 0 9005 0 0.05617 0.94383 0 0 9006 0 0.61121 0.38879 0 0 9007 0 0.00069 0.99931 0 0 9008 0 0.02118 0.97882 0 0 9009 0.3871 0.56496 0.04794 0 0 9010 0.03735 0.32242 0.64023 0 0 9011 0.15803 0.8151 0.02687 0 0 9012 0.7455 0.21019 0.04432 0 0 9013 0.7383 0.21698 0.04472 0 0 9014 0.01802 0.7529 0.22908 0 0 9015 0.20645 0.75747 0.03609 0 0 9016 0.23835 0.72505 0.03659 0 0 9017 0.03664 0.26871 0.69465 0 0 9018 0.56566 0.2072 0.22713 0 0 9019 0.59148 0.40311 0.0054 0 0 9020 0.17744 0.35028 0.47228 0 0 9021 0.73087 0.20967 0.05946 0 0 9022 0.20686 0.1001 0.69303 0 0 9023 0.21994 0.71855 0.06152 0 0 9024 0.29231 0.61417 0.09352 0 0 9025 0.42541 0.57389 0.0007 0 0 9026 0.23494 0.60283 0.16223 0 0 9027 0.97582 0.02418 0 0 0 9028 0.96128 0.03872 0 0 0 9029 0.95761 0.04239 0 0 0 9030 0.95138 0.04862 0 0 0 9031 0.99653 0.00347 0 0 0 9032 0.33599 0.66401 0 0 0 9033 0.61808 0.38192 0 0 0 9034 0.93576 0.06424 0 0 0 9035 0.38804 0.61196 0 0 0 9036 0 0.85534 0.14466 0 0 9037 0 0.01916 0.98084 0 0 9038 0 0.82721 0.17279 0 0 9039 0 0.97393 0.02607 0 0 9040 0 0.02349 0.97651 0 0 9041 0 0.09486 0.90514 0 0 9042 0 0.65307 0.34693 0 0 9043 0 0.48204 0.51796 0 0 9044 0 0.33949 0.66051 0 0 9045 0.45423 0.38177 0.164 0 0 9046 0.82775 0.03033 0.14192 0 0 9047 0.06578 0.769 0.16523 0 0 9048 0.63777 0.35285 0.00938 0 0 9049 0.45169 0.05412 0.49419 0 0 9050 0.00303 0.42309 0.57387 0 0 9051 0.06212 0.88246 0.05543 0 0 9052 0.01934 0.31414 0.66652 0 0 9053 0.18937 0.60319 0.20743 0 0 9054 0.35704 0.47238 0.17058 0 0 9055 0.14638 0.28463 0.56899 0 0 9056 0.10296 0.02429 0.87275 0 0 9057 0.88896 0.0809 0.03015 0 0 9058 0.70327 0.22599 0.07074 0 0 9059 0.1057 0.67688 0.21742 0 0 9060 0.7529 0.01804 0.22906 0 0 9061 0.02899 0.16912 0.80189 0 0 9062 0.12025 0.10259 0.77716 0 0 9063 0.60901 0.39099 0 0 0 9064 0.7503 0.2497 0 0 0 9065 0.14062 0.85938 0 0 0 9066 0.971 0.029 0 0 0 9067 0.88942 0.11058 0 0 0 9068 0.06697 0.93303 0 0 0 9069 0.91278 0.08722 0 0 0 9070 0.16126 0.83874 0 0 0 9071 0.22672 0.77328 0 0 0 9072 0 0.99504 0.00496 0 0 9073 0 0.15375 0.84625 0 0 9074 0 0.43848 0.56152 0 0 9075 0 0.82585 0.17415 0 0 9076 0 0.00226 0.99774 0 0 9077 0 0.08173 0.91827 0 0 9078 0 0.02016 0.97984 0 0 9079 0 0.09847 0.90153 0 0 9080 0 0.01688 0.98312 0 0 9081 0.65064 0.26146 0.08789 0 0 9082 0.04172 0.44972 0.50857 0 0 9083 0.13336 0.84104 0.0256 0 0 9084 0.10776 0.88926 0.00298 0 0 9085 0.06861 0.92603 0.00536 0 0 9086 0.00822 0.55604 0.43574 0 0 9087 0.00026 0.69612 0.30363 0 0 9088 0.0057 0.17194 0.82236 0 0 9089 0.04851 0.19358 0.75791 0 0 9090 0.4502 0.52271 0.0271 0 0 9091 0.18199 0.71715 0.10086 0 0 9092 0.10882 0.41612 0.47506 0 0 9093 0.38208 0.53772 0.08021 0 0 9094 0.12305 0.01558 0.86136 0 0 9095 0.49655 0.38923 0.11422 0 0 9096 0.53571 0.32514 0.13916 0 0 9097 0.02841 0.85544 0

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