The 0-th and 1-st Frabonacci trees are each single nodes. For all i > 1, the i-th Frabonacci tree is constructed as follows:
Create a new node r. This will be the root node of the i-th Frabonacci tree.
Construct the (i-1)-th and (i-2)-th Frabonacci trees.
Attach the (i-2)-th Frabonacci tree as the left subtree of r.
Attach the (i-1)-th Frabonacci tree as the right subtree of r.
The number of vertices in Frabonacci trees grows very quickly, for example there are about 4*10^10 vertices in the 50-th Frabonacci tree.
To traverse a Frabonacci tree in preorder, perform the following operations:
Visit the root.
Traverse the left subtree.
Traverse the right subtree.
Let's traverse a Frabonacci tree and enumerate all vertices in the order of their visiting.
There is the 3-rd Frabonacci tree with enumerated vertices on the picture.
You are given three ints n, startIndex, finishIndex. Return the shortest route between the vertices startIndex and finishIndex in form of a String in the n-th Frabonacci tree. Each character of the result will be "L", "R" or "U", where "L" means a move to the left son, "R" means the move to the right son, and "U" means the move to
the parent.