You have decided to create your own simple encryption method for strings containing only lowercase letters and spaces. You start by splitting the alphabet into two groups. The first group consists of the first firstSize letters of the alphabet, and the second consists of the remaining 26 - firstSize letters. To encrypt a character in your message, you do the following:
- If it a space, it is kept as is.
- If it is a letter in the first group, it is moved firstRotate letters forward in the group, wrapping back to the start if necessary. For example, if firstSize is 6 and firstRotate is 2, then 'A' would become 'C', and 'F' would become 'B'.
- If it is a letter in the second group, then it is moved secondRotate letters forward in the group, again wrapping back to the start of the group if necessary.
Given firstSize, firstRotate, secondRotate and a message, return the encrypted form of the message. |