TopCoder problem "IntSplit" used in TCCC '01 Semifinals 1 (Division I Level Two)

Problem Statement

Class name:  IntSplit
Method name:  maxSplit
Parameters:  int,int
Returns:  int

Implement a class IntSplit, which contains a method maxSplit. maxSplit takes
two ints as parameters:  a source and a target.  The function should split the
source between digits any number of times so the sum of all the pieces is as
close to, without exceeding, the target as possible and return this sum.  If it
is impossible to not exceed the target, the function should return 0.

For example, if source is 19967 and target is 1000, source should be split
between the 9's:  19 + 967 = 986 and the function should return 986.  Note if
the integer were split between the 1 & 9 and between the 6 & 7, the result
would be 1 + 996 + 7 = 1004, which is greater than the target, and therefore is
not considered.

The method signature is (be sure your method is public):
int maxSplit(int source, int target)

TopCoder will ensure the following:
- Both source and target are between 0 and 99999999, inclusive.

*The returning value can equal the target, it just cannot be greater than the
*The digits cannot be rearranged and the digits must be read from left to right.
*The solution must run in under 6 seconds.

*tosplit = 19967, target = 1000 -> 19 + 967 -> return = 986
*tosplit = 19967, target = 100 -> 19 + 9 + 67 -> return = 95
*tosplit = 22215, target = 225 -> 2 + 2 + 215 -> return = 219


Parameters:int, int
Method signature:int maxSplit(int param0, int param1)
(be sure your method is public)

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Problem categories:

Brute Force