In order to make its roads safer, the government of a particular country has decided to introduce a speed limit that varies throughout the day. At busy times, the speed limit will decrease to reduce the risk of a dangerous accident. You need to drive a distance of journeyLength units and want to know how long it will take you.
You are given details of the speed limit in a int[] speedLimit. Element i (zero-based) gives the speed limit in DISTANCE UNITS/TIME UNITS that is in force between times T = i and T = i + 1. speedLimit describes the speed limit for a full day, so after this the pattern repeats (i.e., if N is the number of elements in speedLimit, the speed limit between times N and N+1 is given by speedLimit[0], etc.). You start your journey at time T = 0 and should assume that you travel exactly at the speed limit for your entire journey. Return a double containing the amount of time it takes to complete your journey. |