An evil robot has been tormenting your land for years. You decided to get rid of him by creating a deadly trap. The trap is now ready, and the only problem left is to make the robot walk inside it. Luckily, you managed to hack into the robot's movement system, and you can reprogram it to move the way you want.
The land is represented by an infinite grid of cells. The robot is currently standing in cell (robotX, robotY), and the trap is set in cell (trapX, trapY). The robot's program is very simple and consists of N commands, where each command is one of:
- 'U': the robot moves from coordinates (x, y) to coordinates (x, y + 1).
- 'R': the robot moves from coordinates (x, y) to coordinates (x + 1, y).
The commands are executed in order, starting from the first one, and the program is cyclical (i.e., after the last command is executed, it will start over from the first command).
As soon as the robot walks into the trap, the program will stop executing. Write a program with exactly N commands that will make the robot walk into the trap. Return this program as a String, where the i-th character is the i-th command. If there are multiple possible programs, return the one among them that comes first alphabetically. If no such program exists, return "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME" (quotes for clarity) instead.