Problem Statement | |||||||||||||
A partition of the number n is the set of numbers that all sum up to n. For example, we have 5 different partitions of 4: {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 2}, {4}. If we sort all the numbers within each set, we can treat each partition as a sorted list of numbers and so introduce a lexicographic order on all partitions. For example, the partitions of 4 mentioned before are given in order. You are given ints n and k. Determine all the partitions of n, sort them in lexicographical order, and return a int[] containing the k-th one (k is a 1-based index). If there are not enough partitions of n, return an empty int[]. | |||||||||||||
Definition | |||||||||||||
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Notes | |||||||||||||
- | The lexicographical order is exactly the same as in a dictionary. A int[] A is lexicographically before a int[] B if there exists an integer i such that A[i] < B[i] and A[j] = B[j] for all j < i or if A is a proper prefix of B. | ||||||||||||
Constraints | |||||||||||||
- | n will be between 1 and 50, inclusive. | ||||||||||||
- | k will be between 1 and 1000000, inclusive. | ||||||||||||
Examples | |||||||||||||
0) | |||||||||||||
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1) | |||||||||||||
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2) | |||||||||||||
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3) | |||||||||||||