TopCoder problem "TemplateMatching" used in SRM 417 (Division I Level One , Division II Level Two)

Problem Statement


In this problem you will be given a String text and you will need to find the substring of the text that matches a given template in the best way. The template will be represented by two Strings: prefix and suffix. Consider a string S. The prefix match score of S with respect to a given template is the maximal n >= 0 such that the first n characters of S are equal to the last n characters of prefix and occur in the same exact order. Analogously, the suffix match score of S is the maximal m >= 0 such that the last m characters of S are equal to the first m characters of suffix and occur in the same exact order.

For example, if S = "something", prefix = "awesome", and suffix = "ingenious", than the prefix score of S is 4 (the matched characters are "some") and the suffix score is 3 (the matched characters are "ing").

The match score of a string S with respect to a given template is the sum of its prefix and suffix match scores. Find the non-empty substring of text with the maximal match score according to the template (prefix, suffix). In case of a tie, return the substring with the maximal prefix score. If there are still several candidates, return one that comes first lexicographically.



Parameters:String, String, String
Method signature:String bestMatch(String text, String prefix, String suffix)
(be sure your method is public)


-String A comes before string B lexicographically if A is a proper prefix of B, or if A has a smaller character at the first position where the strings differ. When comparing the characters, refer to the following list of characters in ascending order: ' ', 'a', 'b', ..., 'z'.


-text will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
-prefix will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
-suffix will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
-text, prefix and suffix will contain only lowercase letters ('a'-'z') and spaces (' ').


Returns: "something"
The example from the problem statement.
Returns: "a"
The return value must be non-empty string, so the correct answer is "a".
Returns: "abrac"
Returns: "ippi"
"a a a a a a"
"a a"
Returns: "a a"
Returns: "b"

Problem url:

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PabloGilberto , Olexiy , ivan_metelsky , Xixas

Problem categories:

Brute Force, String Parsing