TopCoder problem "SkewTree" used in TCCC '03 Finals (Division I Level Three)

Problem Statement

    In a binary tree, every node has an optional left, and optional right child node. A BST (binary search tree) is a binary tree that satsifies the following properties:

1) Every node has a unique value

2) The value at a given node must be greater than the value at every node in its left subtree

3) The value at a given node must be less than the value at every node in its right subtree

The depth of a node in a BST is defined as such:

1) The top node (root) has depth 0

2) Every node has depth 1 higher than its parent

Usually, when given a list of distinct values, it is best to build a balanced binary search tree - a tree where the size of the left subtree is approximately the same as the size of the right subtree at each node. A balanced tree isn't always the best solution though. Given a int[] values of distinct values and a int[] probs containing the percentage chance of each element being accessed, your method will return the best (lowest) access score achievable by a BST containing the given values. The access score of any BST is computed by adding together the access scores for all of its nodes. The access score for a particular node is calculated by the formula p*(d+1) where p is the probability of that node being accessed, and d is the depth of that node in the tree.


Parameters:int[], int[]
Method signature:int bestScore(int[] values, int[] probs)
(be sure your method is public)


-values and probs will both contain between 1 and 50 elements, inclusive.
-Each element of values and probs will be between 1 and 1000, inclusive.
-Each element of values will be unique.
-values and probs will contain the same number of elements.


Returns: 4
The best tree looks like:
Returns: 44
Here the best tree is:
         / \
        /   \
       3     6
      / \   
     2   4 
The score is 5*1 + 4*2 + 6*2 + 2*3 + 3*3 + 1*4 = 44
Returns: 492

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zoidal , lbackstrom , schveiguy

Problem categories:

Dynamic Programming