Given that January 1, 1990 falls on a Monday, determine which weekday a given
date (restricted to the years 1990-1999) falls on.
The program will take as input three integers representing a valid month, day,
and year, from the years 1990-1999. The output will be a string containing a
case sensitive day of the week :
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Here are the number of days for each month in 1990-1999 :
(Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec) = 31; (Apr, Jun, Sep, Nov) = 30;
(Feb)=28 except on 1992, 1996 (Feb)=29 (leap year)
NOTE : You are not allowed to use any external libraries for this problem
(ie no import statements)
Here is the method signature :
public String getDay(int month, int day, int year);
We will check to make sure the input to this problem is valid.
(ie date validity, year restriction, etc)
Example :
Input : 4 26 1999
Output : Monday |