TopCoder problem "AustrianLotto" used in CRPF Charity Round 1 (Division I Level One)

Problem Statement

    In the Austrian Lotto "6 aus 45" (6 out of 45), six distinct numbers between 1 and 45, inclusive, are selected as the winning numbers in a drawing. Prior to the drawing, lotto players pick six distinct numbers from the same range. The number of matches between their numbers and the winning numbers determines the prize that they win. An addicted gambler who plays multiple times in a single drawing faces a lot of work when comparing all of his picks to the winning numbers.

Given a String drawing, the result of the current drawing, and a String[] picks, the picks made by a gambler, return a int[] which represents a breakdown of the gambler's success rate. The int[] should contain exactly seven elements. The 0th element is the number of picks in which there are no matches between the gambler's numbers and the drawn numbers, and the 1st to 6th elements are the number of picks in which there are 1 to 6 matches, respectively. drawing and each element of picks contains exactly 6 distinct integers between 1 and 45, inclusive, each separated by a single space, e.g. "3 12 13 17 32 45" (quotes for clarity).


Parameters:String, String[]
Method signature:int[] evaluate(String drawing, String[] picks)
(be sure your method is public)


-picks contains between 1 and 50 elements, inclusive.
-drawing and each element of picks contains exactly 6 distinct integers between 1 and 45, inclusive, each separated by exactly one single space, e.g. "3 12 13 17 32 45" (quotes for clarity). Integers have no leading zeros.
-drawing and each element of picks contains between 11 and 17 characters, inclusive, and no leading or trailing spaces.


"3 11 18 23 37 45"
{"4 7 14 30 33 35", "1 11 12 25 37 38", "11 18 19 20 21 22"}
Returns: { 1,  0,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0 }
In the first pick, no numbers are correct. In the second pick, the two numbers 11 and 37 are correct. In the third pick, there are also two correct numbers: 11 and 18.
"3 18 23 11 37 45"
{"3 11 18 23 37 45"}
Returns: { 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1 }
Here all six numbers are correct.
"42 26 33 2 13 14"
{"13 4 36 42 26 12"}
Returns: { 0,  0,  0,  1,  0,  0,  0 }
Here three numbers are correct: 13, 26 and 42.

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lbackstrom , brett1479

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