Class Name: MagicSeries
Method Name: lookup
Parameters: int
Returns: int
Define a magic series of numbers to be the series of non-negative numbers
divisible by 2,3, or 5.
The magic series starts with 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 . . .
Implement a class MagicSeries that contains a method lookup. lookup takes an
index k as a parameter and returns an int that is the kth term of this magic
series of numbers. 0 is the 1st term of the series, 2 is the second, etc...
Here is the method signature:
public int lookup(int k);
k is greater than 0 and less than 1000000.
If k=1, the method returns 0.
If k=2, the method returns 2.
If k=20, the method returns 26.