| Class name: GameShow
Method name: getWinnings
Parameters: String[]
Returns: int[]
A statistician wants to convince his fellow players on a Game Show that they
would benefit from a smarter banking strategy.
The game works as follows: A player is asked a series of questions. After
each question the player answers correctly, the player has the option of
"banking". When the player banks, a value is added to their total earnings for
the round. The value is proportional to the number of correct answers the
player has answered in a row; if the player has answered x correct questions in
a row when banking, award[x] is added to their total for the round (0 is
element 0, 1000 is element 1, etc..):
award[] = { 0, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 125000 }
After banking, the number of consecutive correct questions is reset to 0. If
there is an incorrect answer, or the round ends before the player banks, the
count is reset to 0.
The game consists of 7 rounds, with all values in the 7th round being doubled
(double all values in the array).
The statistician believes that more money can be made by choosing a constant
number of correct answers to wait for before banking, and always banking after
exactly that many correct answers. To verify his reasoning, the statistician
wants a program that inputs String[] of 7 elements representing the 7 rounds of
the game. Each String consists of R's and W's. R's represent correct answers
and W's represent incorrect answers. The first character in the String
represents the correctness of the player's first answer in the round, the
second character represents the second answer, etc... The program returns a
int[] of 8 elements that are the total earnings the players would earn in the
game if the player banked immediately after exactly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8
consecutive correct answers. The element 0 in the int[] is the score if the
player always banked immediately after getting 1 correct answer. The element 1
is the score if the player always banked immediately after getting 2
consecutive correct answers, etc...
Implement a class GameShow, which contains a method getWinnings.
Here is the method signature
int[] getWinnings(String[] rounds)
Be sure your method is public.
A String[] with exactly 7 elements, each representing a single round. Each
String is between 2 and 50 (inclusive) characters long and contains only the
characters 'R' and 'W' (upper case).
TopCoder will check the validity of the input.
A int[] with exactly 8 elements. Element 0 in the array is the total game
score the player gets for banking after every correct answer. Element 1 is the
total game score for banking after every two consecutive correct answers, etc...
Input: {"RRRR", "RRRR", "RW", "WW", "RWRW", "RRRRWRR", "RRRRRRRRWR"}
In Round 1,
if the player always banked after 1 correct answer, they would bank 4 times:
4*award[1] = 4000.
if the player always banked after 2 correct answers, they would bank 2 times:
2*award[2] = 5000.
if the player always banked after 3 correct answers, they would bank 1 time:
1*award[3] = 5000.
if the player always banked after 4 correct answers, they would bank 1 time:
1*award[4] = 10000.
if the player always banked after 5, 6, 7, or 8 answers, they would never get
to bank, and earn 0.
So the round 1 subtotals would be:
subtotal: {4000, 5000, 5000, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Round 2 is the same, so we have:
Subtotal after round 2: {8000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Round 3 (RW) gives us one banking after 1 correct solution, and nothing else
subtotal: {9000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Round 4 (WW) gives us nothing, so the subtotal doesn't change at all.
Round 5 (RWRW) gives us two banking after 1 correct solution and nothing else
subtotal: {11000, 10000, 10000, 20000, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Round 6 (RRRRWRR) gives us six bankings after 1 correct, three after 2 correct,
one after 3 correct, one after 4 correct and the subtotal becomes:
{17000, 17500, 15000, 30000, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Round 7 (RRRRRRRRWR) gives us nine bankings after 1 correct, four after 2
correct, two after 3 correct, two after 4 correct, one after 5 correct, one
after 6 correct, one after 7 correct, and one after 8 correct. All these
totals are doubled, giving us a final total:
{35000, 37500, 35000, 70000, 50000, 100000, 150000, 250000} and this int[]
should be returned.
If the input is:
total: {30000, 20000, 25000, 30000, 25000, 50000, 0, 0}