Some languages allow the use of compound words, words that are the concatenation
of words from the language's dictionary.
We have defined a language that consists of a dictionary of distinct words.
We want to know whether we should allow the use of compound words constructed
by concatenating exactly two distinct dictionary words. The potential problem
is that a compound word is ambiguous if either (or both) of the following
conditions applies: -
the compound word is a dictionary word
the compound word can be formed in more than one way.
For example, if "am","eat","a", "meat", "hook", and "meathook" were all in the
dictionary, then "meathook" would be ambiguous according to the first condition,
and "ameat" would be ambiguous according to the second condition.
Create a class CmpdWords that contains a method ambiguous that is given a
String[] dictionary and that returns the number of ambiguous words that would
result from allowing the compounding of distinct pairs of dictionary words.
An ambiguous word should be counted only once, no matter how many different
ways it could be formed.
Note that compound words are NOT added to the dictionary. So the dictionary {"a",
"b","c"} does not allow "abc" as a compound word.