Problem Statement |
| Many image editing programs have the ability to stitch two images
together to form one larger image. In this problem, you will be given
two images, represented by String[]'s. Each
String[] represents a bitmap, where the ASCII value of
character j of element i represents the color of the pixel in row i,
column j of the image. Your task is to stitch the two images
together. Specifically, image A goes to the left of image
B and overlap pixels from the right of A and the
left of B overlap. To prevent any obvious artifacts from the
stitching, you want to gradually blend the stitched region from
image A to image B. The ith pixel (indexed from 1) from the left in the
overlapping region should have a value of
((overlap+1-i)*a+(i*b))/(overlap+1) where a and b are
the values of the pixels from A and B, respectively. Hence, the leftmost pixels in the overlapping
region should have values of
In all cases, you should round the pixel values to the nearest
integer, rounding 0.5 up.
Definition |
| Class: | Stitch | Method: | stitch | Parameters: | String[], String[], int | Returns: | String[] | Method signature: | String[] stitch(String[] A, String[] B, int overlap) | (be sure your method is public) |
Constraints |
- | A will contain between 1 and 50 elements, inclusive. |
- | B will contain the same number of elements as A. |
- | Each element of A will contain the same number of characters. |
- | Each element of B will contain the same number of characters. |
- | Each element of A and B will contain between overlap+1 and 50 characters, inclusive. |
- | overlap will be between 0 and 49, inclusive. |
- | Each character in A and B will have ASCII value between 32 and 126, inclusive. |
Examples |
0) | |
| | Returns: { "AACEFHJ" } | First, line up the two images:
Then, blend the overlapping region:
1) | |
| {"14ABCD",
"36IJKL"} | {"ABCD14",
"IJKL36"} | 4 |
| Returns: { "14ABCD14", "25EFGH25", "36IJKL36" } | |
2) | |
| {" 32ygfd",
")O83gh3"} | {"hsd$*(PH",
"gh86$PBB"} | 3 |
| Returns: { " 32ygmd$*(PH", "3uh53G:$)(*P", ")O83gh76$PBB" } | |
3) | |
| |