For those who file jointly and have a taxable income of at least $100,000
the tax for 2004 is calculated from the following table. To calculate
your tax, you find
the appropriate bracket for your taxable income, multiply your taxable income by the multiplier,
and then subtract the subtraction value.
At_least Less_than Multiplier Subtraction
100,000 117,250 25% 6,525.00
117,250 178,650 28% 10,042.50
178,650 319,100 33% 18,975.00
319,100 - 35% 25,357.00
When I find out how much tax someone had to pay, I want to be able to figure
out what their taxable income was. Create a class TaxTable that contains a
method income that is given the taxAmount and calculates the taxable income whose
tax is closest to taxAmount. This result is returned,
rounded to the nearest dollar (.5 rounds up). If the
taxAmount is too low to have come from the table, return -1.