The dating ritual can be pretty complex. Here is how it works at a certain
cocktail party. All the men and women stand around in a circle, making chitchat.
Eventually someone gets up his or her nerve and chooses the most desirable
remaining person of the opposite
sex and those 2 go off and discuss world affairs privately. This continues
until either everyone has left, or only one gender remains and they all go home.
The original circle is described by a String circle containing lowercase letters
for women and uppercase letters for men. The last one in circle is actually adjacent
to the first one. Starting with the first person in circle, we count from
1 to k around the circle, letting the k-th person be the first chooser.
Letters nearer the
beginning of the alphabet represent hotter individuals, and the chooser always
chooses the hottest remaining member of the opposite sex. Starting with the next remaining person
after the last chooser we again count from one to k (counting only people who still remain in the
circle) to determine the next chooser.
This continues until the party breaks up.
Create a class Dating that contains a method dates that is given circle and k and returns
a String showing all the dates. The return should list each date as a 2 letter sequence,
with the chooser before the chosen. The dates should appear in the order in which they
were made, and with a single space between adjacent dates. There must be no leading
or trailing spaces in the return.