TopCoder problem "TokenGrid" used in TCO05 Round 4 (Division I Level Two)

Problem Statement

    There is an n by n grid of network nodes. Each node is either standard, or a token consumer. Element i of setup, which corresponds to row i of the grid, will contain a single space delimited list of n values. A consumer will be denoted by an 'X' character. A standard node is denoted by a nonnegative integer with no extra leading zeros, which represents how many tokens it possesses. An unknown will be denoted by a '_' character (there will be exactly 1 unknown).

Suppose a particular standard node is adjacent to d nodes (upward, downward, leftward, or rightward with no wrap-around), and has at least d tokens. Then that node can send 1 token to each adjacent node leaving it with d fewer tokens. For example, a node in the corner with at least 2 tokens could send. Token consumers accept tokens but never send them. finish, which is formatted like setup but with the '_' character replaced by a number, should describe the state of the network after all possible tokens have been sent, and no more can be sent. Return the smallest possible nonnegative value of the unknown, or -1 if no value will work. If finish does not describe a network where tokens cannot be sent (a standard node has too many tokens), also return -1.


Parameters:String[], String[]
Method signature:int getUnknown(String[] setup, String[] finish)
(be sure your method is public)


-The order in which nodes send their tokens is irrelevant.


-setup and finish will be formatted as described in the problem statement.
-setup will contain between 2 and 4 elements inclusive.
-setup and finish will agree on the placement of consumer nodes.
-setup and finish will contain the same number of elements.
-Each integer in setup and finish will be between 0 and 50 inclusive.
-setup will contain at least 1 consumer node.


{"X X",
 "X _"}
{"X X",
 "X 0"}
Returns: 0
0 works quite easily.
{"X X",
 "X _"}
{"X X",
 "X 2"}
Returns: -1
The lower right node in finish can send its tokens, so we immediately return -1.
{"X 2",
 "X _"}
{"X 1",
 "X 0"}
Returns: 1
If the unknown node begins with 1 token, the following sequence of scenarios occurs:
X 2  --->  X 0  --->  X 1
X 1        X 2        X 0
{"0 0 0 0",
 "0 0 0 0",
 "0 0 0 0",
 "_ 0 0 X"}
{"1 1 0 1",  
 "2 2 2 1",  
 "2 3 3 2", 
 "0 1 1 X"}
Returns: 26
{"50 50 50 X",
 "X 50 50 50",
 "50 50 50 50",
 "X 50 50 _"
{"1 1 2 X",
 "X 1 3 2",
 "2 2 2 2",
 "X 2 2 1"
Returns: 563
Big inputs.

Problem url:

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PabloGilberto , lbackstrom , Olexiy

Problem categories:

Brute Force